12:16 am - Busy busy busy
So it seems I've got 3 jobs now. And school. And my child. And I'm sposed to start CASA volunteer training soon. Yeah. Things are crazy. But never boring. I started my third job today- I'm officially a bartender! Woo! At the sleaziest bar in town at that. During my interview a massive fight broke out and the white trash lingerie dancer girls scattered. And thats just a taste. I'm tired. Tomorrow is gonna be crazy. I have to get up at 8:30 AM, shower, get Covin dressed, take her to school, go to the library and try and study and return my overdue telcourse tapes, go babysit the terrible 2 year old twins and their brother at 1 PM, work at the bar from 3 PM to 7 PM, White Hen at 7 PM to 3 AM, and then either go home and study for my test, or go out for a lil while to relax. Haven't decided on that one. I may very well just crash. But right now I've got laundry and cleaning to do. And possibly a telcourse tape to watch. (May as well get some use out of em since I owe a billion dollars in fines).
I had a guy I was serving at the bar today tell me not to get hardened by life and lose my innocense, cuz it's written all over my eyes. May have been a line, but I have thought about that before... I've been thru alot of shit in my life- but one thing I will never do is stop believing the world is beautiful.
Current Mood: contemplative
Current Music: Blind Melon
12:16 am - Busy busy busy
So it seems I've got 3 jobs now. And school. And my child. And I'm sposed to start CASA volunteer training soon. Yeah. Things are crazy. But never boring. I started my third job today- I'm officially a bartender! Woo! At the sleaziest bar in town at that. During my interview a massive fight broke out and the white trash lingerie dancer girls scattered. And thats just a taste. I'm tired. Tomorrow is gonna be crazy. I have to get up at 8:30 AM, shower, get Covin dressed, take her to school, go to the library and try and study and return my overdue telcourse tapes, go babysit the terrible 2 year old twins and their brother at 1 PM, work at the bar from 3 PM to 7 PM, White Hen at 7 PM to 3 AM, and then either go home and study for my test, or go out for a lil while to relax. Haven't decided on that one. I may very well just crash. But right now I've got laundry and cleaning to do. And possibly a telcourse tape to watch. (May as well get some use out of em since I owe a billion dollars in fines).
I had a guy I was serving at the bar today tell me not to get hardened by life and lose my innocense, cuz it's written all over my eyes. May have been a line, but I have thought about that before... I've been thru alot of shit in my life- but one thing I will never do is stop believing the world is beautiful.
Current Mood: contemplative
Current Music: Blind Melon
and even if the guy was feeding you a line, listen to it, he is right you wil get by it may take some time and effort, but you will make it