Procrastinating again... Anything seems more fun than studying right now. Or any day. It sux knowing the next, well, rest of my life it seems, will be consumed with school. And procrastination. At least I wont have to make sandwicvhes at White Hen anymore. I will hire someone to make me sandwiches while I sit in my jacuzzi and drink wine and smoke. Although being a vegetarian, cheese sandwiches would get a bit monotonous. It is 5:30 AM. Time is as always my enemy. Grrr. Back to work. But maybe I'll go smoke and dream of being in a jacuzzi first...
people actually left me messages. hooray!
but anyways.
lifes been messy.
i need a maid.
or a really big life size self filing cabinet.
to sort this mess out.
i never say die.
that which does not kill us only makes us stronger.
or kills u slowly, so we suffer in agony...
either way
its almost 7 am, and i have homework to do so i can get up and babysit 6000000 children all day and all night on my day off-
z and novalues you guys should check out lennon at the metro and oasis 160 this month.
las vegas? lets go.
love nicci