Soon to come... pics from Bumbershoot, here in Seattle today. I'm SO BUMMED because we didn't get there in time for wristbands, to see the Pixies
And the Killers show was full when we got there too!!! An hour and a half before actual show time!!!
So these pics are the only good I got from the day.

I think ill ask god that when i die and if there is a god...why the hell did you make me so complicated and than only let me use 10 percent of my brain, bastard..that was mean!
I am begining to embrace my feelings tho, reguardless of how they feel, because damnit they all are some pretty cool experiences. and wheni think about bad ones make great stories and lessons too.
"You fucking tranny!!!" *punch the other eye*
"You have a huge dick!" *slap in the face for good measure*
No one's allowed to beat me down but you, you realize