Monday Jun 02, 2003 Jun 2, 2003 0 Facebook Tweet Email . VIEW 5 of 5 COMMENTS maelwys: Keep an air rifle handy for lurkers. Actually, maybe thats not a good idea, sods law it will be an undercover policeman or something. And he might get miffed at having a .22 pellet bounce off his noggin. Amsterdam sounds more appealing than Brighton. Jun 2, 2003 nickysonic: If you wanted me to shift, you should have just come out and knocked on the window! There's you giving me a hard time about my harem, but you failed to mention the guy you wanted to click with! By the way, her sister had a baby girl. Jun 3, 2003
Amsterdam sounds more appealing than Brighton.
There's you giving me a hard time about my harem, but you failed to mention the guy you wanted to click with!
By the way, her sister had a baby girl.