Yay! I feel welcome! =^.^= Sweet people saying hi to me makes me happy. But yes, talking about me. I've been in Eugene for exactly a week today! I'm carless till xmas, but hey, walking is good for me and taking the bus is better for the environment. My pic isn't as recent as it should be, its from I think last spring? Not sure. But those glasses got destroyed in a canvassing accident this summer, and I've been wearing only contacts since new glasses cost money. Plus you cant see the fact that I have waist-length hair, what with it being up. Furthermore, the photo was taken in the Greensboro airport. So yes! I'm new to here, I'm new to Eugene, a lot of changes are going on in my life this year. Anyone who knows Eugene, OR: give me some tips for places a geeky anime-loving V:tES-playing girly can find some fun, and you'll make my day! I have absolutely nothing to do this weekend and know practically NOONE. But yes, this semester I'm taking Psychology, Biology, Problems in U.S. politics, and english. I'd say Prob in US pol is my favorite by far.
Mostly cause it was my best option, and the most beautiful town of my options. I'm a New Englander and I need my trees. ^.^