they tell me that Europe is flooded by heavy rains
but we won't stop to think or stop our cars
they tell me that Europe is flooded by immigrants
but we won't stop the trade or stop the war
they tell me that Europe is dying overweight
but we won't change our diet or change our lives
and I tell you the children are crying...
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but we won't stop to think or stop our cars
they tell me that Europe is flooded by immigrants
but we won't stop the trade or stop the war
they tell me that Europe is dying overweight
but we won't change our diet or change our lives
and I tell you the children are crying...
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This is my Swedish history exclamation
I'd rather stand up for my views in handcuffs
This shit you can't trust, get f**ked and banged up
Back in the days the state helped Hitler
Now they're trying to arrest me for packing rizla
Nowadays, who got rights? The people? Not quite
Can you truly say that you feel safe in daily life?
I try to rise...
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I'd rather stand up for my views in handcuffs
This shit you can't trust, get f**ked and banged up
Back in the days the state helped Hitler
Now they're trying to arrest me for packing rizla
Nowadays, who got rights? The people? Not quite
Can you truly say that you feel safe in daily life?
I try to rise...
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not knowing what you want to do, as frustrating as it is, only makes life more interesting.
You're the one who's always choking torjan.
You're the one who's always bruised and broken. Drunk on immorality, valium and cherry wine, coke and ecstasy. You're gonna blow your mind.
I understand the fascination, I've even been there once or twice or more. But if you don't change your situation, then you'll die.
Don't die.
Please don't die.
Damn I am getting paranoid here. I...
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You're the one who's always bruised and broken. Drunk on immorality, valium and cherry wine, coke and ecstasy. You're gonna blow your mind.
I understand the fascination, I've even been there once or twice or more. But if you don't change your situation, then you'll die.
Don't die.
Please don't die.
Damn I am getting paranoid here. I...
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i'm very well know you really must update your journal are things with u?

"a friend with breasts and all the rest..."
oh fuck, it's four more fucking weeks untill my girlfriend comes home from Belfast, and when I'm with my friend Sandra.. all we're talking about is sex, that's really frustrating...
Well, when she comes I have to tie my hunny-bunny bride down somwhere...
I think I've finally found someone who enjoys making webpages, so perhaps my webpage...
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oh fuck, it's four more fucking weeks untill my girlfriend comes home from Belfast, and when I'm with my friend Sandra.. all we're talking about is sex, that's really frustrating...
Well, when she comes I have to tie my hunny-bunny bride down somwhere...
I think I've finally found someone who enjoys making webpages, so perhaps my webpage...
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Could someone do me a favour?
Could someone check that url to the photo and see if it is possible to view it from outside the community where it is posted? I would really appreciate if someone did that.
Since the first one worked, how about checking the second one. 'Cause sometimes it doesn't seem like it works with all photos.
Photo #02
Could someone check that url to the photo and see if it is possible to view it from outside the community where it is posted? I would really appreciate if someone did that.
Since the first one worked, how about checking the second one. 'Cause sometimes it doesn't seem like it works with all photos.
Photo #02
Hon, I don't know what to say. I do know the few people I do & did know who were going through the same thing........had to go talk to a therapist because it's just something you have to do. Whether the therapist tells you something you don't wish to hear is another thing.....only you know what's right for you. I understand Sweden is a country that's hard to get in to see a therapist or get meds ~ I guess, but I strongly suggest that you do try & get in to talk w/ someone so you can get some answers about how you're feeling inside. Besides if you're thinking about doing anything cosmetic, I know here in the States you have to see a therapist for years in order for them to do surgery. Perhaps it's more liberal there.....I don't know. But, that's all I can suggest!!!!! Talk to a professional!!!!
Hope you find what you're looking for deep down inside of you luv! Take Care~
Hope you find what you're looking for deep down inside of you luv! Take Care~

jas? Gteborg r lika Stockholm????
Jag har bott i Sverige bara 4 r, och har aldrig varit till stockholm, nu behver jag inte att ka!
ummm... det r gteborg! jag r s glad att jag bor i stenungsund...det r helt tyst! lungt!
hur r det i Helsingborg?
vad lser du?
okej jag r sjuk s jag ska g och sova nu.
ha det s bra!
Jag har bott i Sverige bara 4 r, och har aldrig varit till stockholm, nu behver jag inte att ka!
ummm... det r gteborg! jag r s glad att jag bor i stenungsund...det r helt tyst! lungt!

vad lser du?
okej jag r sjuk s jag ska g och sova nu.
ha det s bra!
Here's to James Connolly and Michael Collins. And the thousand rebels who has ever died by the sword and rifles of the tyrant crown of England.
Tonight has been rather boring actually, the peak of tonight was the call I made to Belfast. Heh, my phonebill is going to get really high it seems. 'Cause I can't wait 30-60 minutes before calling Belfast. I...
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Tonight has been rather boring actually, the peak of tonight was the call I made to Belfast. Heh, my phonebill is going to get really high it seems. 'Cause I can't wait 30-60 minutes before calling Belfast. I...
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it could be raining atom bombs!
So these last two days I've been outside in the real world, well atleast I've changed the decor in the scene, now it mostly contains my friend's livingroom with a cpl of other friends. but hey, that's nice, now my concerns are over, well not over... i just ignore the fact that I have problems now. Hehe, i live in denial it seems, well not...
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ooooooooooh, he's got good taste in music too! thanks for the comments hun.
seems like lately everyone I know is going through some really rough times. i know what you mean abt keeping up the masquerade, it just sucks when other ppl know you're bummin, so you try to tune it out... and when are you to deal with it? hell, when I find out ... Illl let ya know

seems like lately everyone I know is going through some really rough times. i know what you mean abt keeping up the masquerade, it just sucks when other ppl know you're bummin, so you try to tune it out... and when are you to deal with it? hell, when I find out ... Illl let ya know

freezing is understandable during winter! we've had a pretty mild winter so far, it seems.
"Where's my nurse? I need some healing, I've been paralyzed by this lack of feeling..." Yeah, this could be how I feel, though it is not. But it would be a true pleasure not being able to have anything feelings, atleast not these which I am having. Apathy (though not a feeling) mixed with angst.
Fuck, what a terrible day this is... my eyes are...
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Fuck, what a terrible day this is... my eyes are...
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Thanks. I had a lot of fun at the show. It was a nice way to shake things off for the night and forget about everything shitty that's going on.
..Pot in the USA..
Well, it depends on where you are and who you go to.
Some areas have great weed, and others only see dirt.
I'm in Indiana, and can get anything from brown and seedy to blueberry.
Although once or twice a year it dries up around here and you can't find any commercial. (But the nice stuff is almost always around. Too bad it costs twice as much.)
Well, it depends on where you are and who you go to.
Some areas have great weed, and others only see dirt.
I'm in Indiana, and can get anything from brown and seedy to blueberry.
Although once or twice a year it dries up around here and you can't find any commercial. (But the nice stuff is almost always around. Too bad it costs twice as much.)
Oh, this has been the week of apathy.
I think I've been outside the door (if not counting for going out to smoke or to buy the smokes) about 1-2 times this week. It feels really awful. I just realized that I am trapped within my own home. This apathy is keeping me a prisoner. Apparently there was a bombthreat at Falls Road today, not...
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I think I've been outside the door (if not counting for going out to smoke or to buy the smokes) about 1-2 times this week. It feels really awful. I just realized that I am trapped within my own home. This apathy is keeping me a prisoner. Apparently there was a bombthreat at Falls Road today, not...
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it's okay...i did go out to a couple of parties this weekend, but i have felt pretty out of it sometimes feels like its handing me a bowl of shit...although its not like you have described it kinda puts mine i perspective....thanks...i think i needed a swift kick in the ass to realize that things are not that bad...don't get too down...i now that seems really pointless to say I don't know what you are really going through...but, I will say that I enjoy reading your journal so if you must stay inside...which I am probably going to do as well...then at least we have SG...take care
oh by the way...this is going to be really corny, but my favorite song is Moonriver by Henri Mancini...I actually prefer when Frank Sinatra sings it to me though...I guess maybe I wish my life was like Breakfast At Tiffany's a happy never know i guess
Passion is not love, but a selfish urge to satisfy our lust.
"The straps cut into my body. They forced me to eat their fucking pills; red, blue, green, yellow. My head swam. Everything became heavy and sluggish and gray. I fought against it. This time I wouldn't faint, not drift away. I stared intensely at the opposite wall, at a wet spot there. And...
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"The straps cut into my body. They forced me to eat their fucking pills; red, blue, green, yellow. My head swam. Everything became heavy and sluggish and gray. I fought against it. This time I wouldn't faint, not drift away. I stared intensely at the opposite wall, at a wet spot there. And...
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You're is trouble...good luck with that. Right now i'd reccomend The Salton Sea...i dunno...kinda stuck on it right now..good stuff. So are you the middle child?? hehe...middles rock..hehe...later

yikes...sorry...maybe she's just that way because she expects more from you...hell...atleast you're going to school and trying...that's more than i can say for me. stay warm over there...and yes...i'm a middle.
I would kill to be able to walk down Falls Road in this minute... I heard it's raining in Belfast, how wonderful that must be, sitting in a dark small pub at the Falls. Oh Well, I guess I just have to settle with the cold frozen grounds of southern sweden. sigh. this fucking sucks.
Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Happy Birthday!!!
Indeed sitting on your ass is extremely addictive....sure made going back to work today blow. Hmmm....well...I bought 28 Days Later...and only rented A Clockwork Orange. I should own that one already...maybe next time.
oh hell...since it's your birthday.....
*whip* "No tears, please. It's a waste of good suffering."
Indeed sitting on your ass is extremely addictive....sure made going back to work today blow. Hmmm....well...I bought 28 Days Later...and only rented A Clockwork Orange. I should own that one already...maybe next time.
oh hell...since it's your birthday.....
*whip* "No tears, please. It's a waste of good suffering."

Disband the RUC!
So, now doesn't this suck big time.
I am supposed to be on a plane to the sweet emerald Isle next to the junk-island of Great Britain. But my plans of studying the Northern Ireland conflict, aswell as photojournalism and videproduction was spoiled. Good start on the new year. So, What will I do know? Except for concentrating on my photography? Pay...
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So, now doesn't this suck big time.
I am supposed to be on a plane to the sweet emerald Isle next to the junk-island of Great Britain. But my plans of studying the Northern Ireland conflict, aswell as photojournalism and videproduction was spoiled. Good start on the new year. So, What will I do know? Except for concentrating on my photography? Pay...
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Hm. Lafayette's population is in the 300,000's I believe. Why do you ask?
absolutely jack!
the computer problem..i don't know what i did, seeing as i just got frustrated and starting clicking on random things, but i fixed it somehow. all my anger for nothing. but it's always good to release anger on inanimate objects rather than other people. =]