I had a blast at the Pretty Things Peepshow. The show was fantastic! If this burlesque sideshow comes to a town near you, you should check it out. I had the pleasure of meeting Bettina, Jules and Insectavora. Here are a few iPhone photos.
Bettina and me. Will someone PLEASE photoshop the bandage on my forehead? It's unsightly!
Insectavora swallowing fire.
Insectavora pulling a nail out of her nose.

Bettina and me. Will someone PLEASE photoshop the bandage on my forehead? It's unsightly!


Insectavora swallowing fire.

Insectavora pulling a nail out of her nose.

That bandage adds character!

tickets were 50% until 23 minutes ago... i runned away from brazil to here and my life changed to good. now im running away from the winter but will be back soon... if you can do it, please dont hesitate in doing, you can find wonderful things on the way!