I started a Blog on blogger called Loving Men while being single. I will also be re-posting it here on occasion. My codename there is Journey to complete with victim. There is an AMAZING documentary called 'My Penis And Everyone Else's' - My Penis and Everyone Else's Documentary . It will be mentioned again below, but because I feel it is such an amazing documentary that everyone regardless of whether you have a penis or not, could really find something to absorb.
Here is my article and feel free to follow me on blogger- http://endingbitterbitch.blogspot.com/
Here is the article:
Loving Men while being single
The concept seems self explanatory....
...yet not really, so I will explain. Why should it be different to love Men when I am single from loving Men when in a relationship? I found that I have a starry eyed view of Men most often when I am in a relationship with one. And then once that is over I have my bitter bitch clearing-moving through anger etc.-which is fine and great in itself and helps move what it needs to, but then how do I pull out of that and not condemn every Man I see?...So completely not easy.
I know there are fantastic people in the world, regardless of gender and decided to make clear that I ONLY want healthy relationships. I see that I have attracted in my last relationship asshole-relating and why did I let myself do that? True he was extremely deceptive and complete living lie in every way, however, I called this relationship in as well. To me this person does not exist anymore. I could never trust that person who could be so completely deceptive for so long and on so many levels.
Moving on, I see there is much for me to learn about myself. I do have a core of just really loving people. If I'm bitter at times, I give it permission and remind myself to come back.
I find myself working to pull out of the 'I hate Men' bitterness that inevitably follows a bad completion. I have a book-which may take awhile, since there is much to research-that I am creating with the intention of empowering Men. Giving them a real voice in our world, empowering them with their bodies, their penises-wow does the media really hound Men on that one, the amount of mass junk mail for penis enlargement pills I receive is insane! I wonder, if Women were bombarded with breast enlargement mass junk mail, how would we react?! Why is it OK to continue to allow this bullshit about penis size pressure continue instead of empowering Men with the beautiful and perfect bodies they have now???. I could go on...
By the way, an AMAZING documentary on that:
REALLY amazing and worth the watch no matter what gender you are.
Pretty embarrassing to see how the women acted...yuckage...really...
So, back to loving Men and ultimately people regardless of gender and ultimately just my path to staying in the love...omg! sooooo not easy at times!!! ugh!
However, I deem this age, the end of the victim
Which I believe is a huge block to getting to the love, if I can complete absolutely with victim feelings-aka fear-then how could I ever not be in love? Or rather, I will always be in love
You know that feeling you get when you are with your loved one, or a beautiful serene day, that state of super ecstatic bliss gushing and surrounding you with yumminess?? I can imagine feeling that all day always, it's just got to be possible! And something to goal for
Feeling pretty great right now. Hung over as all hell, but uber great
by journey to complete with victim
Here is my article and feel free to follow me on blogger- http://endingbitterbitch.blogspot.com/
Here is the article:
Loving Men while being single
The concept seems self explanatory....
...yet not really, so I will explain. Why should it be different to love Men when I am single from loving Men when in a relationship? I found that I have a starry eyed view of Men most often when I am in a relationship with one. And then once that is over I have my bitter bitch clearing-moving through anger etc.-which is fine and great in itself and helps move what it needs to, but then how do I pull out of that and not condemn every Man I see?...So completely not easy.
I know there are fantastic people in the world, regardless of gender and decided to make clear that I ONLY want healthy relationships. I see that I have attracted in my last relationship asshole-relating and why did I let myself do that? True he was extremely deceptive and complete living lie in every way, however, I called this relationship in as well. To me this person does not exist anymore. I could never trust that person who could be so completely deceptive for so long and on so many levels.
Moving on, I see there is much for me to learn about myself. I do have a core of just really loving people. If I'm bitter at times, I give it permission and remind myself to come back.
I find myself working to pull out of the 'I hate Men' bitterness that inevitably follows a bad completion. I have a book-which may take awhile, since there is much to research-that I am creating with the intention of empowering Men. Giving them a real voice in our world, empowering them with their bodies, their penises-wow does the media really hound Men on that one, the amount of mass junk mail for penis enlargement pills I receive is insane! I wonder, if Women were bombarded with breast enlargement mass junk mail, how would we react?! Why is it OK to continue to allow this bullshit about penis size pressure continue instead of empowering Men with the beautiful and perfect bodies they have now???. I could go on...
By the way, an AMAZING documentary on that:
REALLY amazing and worth the watch no matter what gender you are.
Pretty embarrassing to see how the women acted...yuckage...really...
So, back to loving Men and ultimately people regardless of gender and ultimately just my path to staying in the love...omg! sooooo not easy at times!!! ugh!
However, I deem this age, the end of the victim

You know that feeling you get when you are with your loved one, or a beautiful serene day, that state of super ecstatic bliss gushing and surrounding you with yumminess?? I can imagine feeling that all day always, it's just got to be possible! And something to goal for

Feeling pretty great right now. Hung over as all hell, but uber great

by journey to complete with victim