Well,today was kinda ok,decided to go and see if we could find the supermarket we pass by on the way back from The Mall on the outskirts of the city and it wasn't easy....took a long way to get to the flyover on the way there and then we drove round for ages trying to find it,down different roads and almost ending up back at The Mall...then passed the entrance for it,not realising the other side was for buses only and thinking there was another way into it but no,we ended up back on the ring road and a long away from it then having to come back round which took ages...the branch of that supermarket was five minutes down the road where we were before but after that debacle I think the trip there will be a one off...it's way too far and a lot further than the Eastgate Centre where we normally go...and we passed by it earlier on(as it's opposite a University campus which I saw earlier and some other big superstores further on that I saw) but had I looked to the right I would have seen it but I didn't so we were going around for ages!
It's a bit smaller than our old one,I think, but we had tea there and then did the shopping and redeemed some points which was long winded(as it's not our normal store,why should that matter?)so I won't go into it, but we did that in the end but I think due to the distance that will be a one off. Ironically it was quicker on the way back which is maybe the way we should have gone to get there,(via an area close to where we live)but I forgot my phone so I couldn't have Googled it or anything and don't have a printer to have printed a map and actually I forgot to Google it before we left the house anyways.
Ah well. Came home and had a message from Alex asking if I wanted to meet tonight and the message was sent at just before 3pm and I didn't reply.I'm still cross at him anyways.
We set up the TV and DVD player in Mum's room as I had the idea this morning and did up the spare bed,now it's got the mattress and had a hunt for the pillow but found it eventually.
It's always in the places where you think something else is or you haven't put it that you find things. Shame that does not apply to my missing CDs. Still baffled as to where they are.
Anyways,that's about all for now!
'Blessed Be'
Viviane x