So...been a good few months since I have been on here and lots to update you all on...Firstly....
Just relocated with my Mum here in the UK, now living in Bristol,UK and just settling in really,totally different from where we lived before,as that was 120 miles from here anyways,and it's a smaller house and very pleased we sold the house we were in before to a lovely young couple whom are friends of ours as I grew up in that house so it's good it's gone to friends of ours.
The area where we are here is lovely and so much better,the only downside is that the local big supermarkets are further away from us than where we were before but then back then we lived out on the outskirts where here we're within a big city and those places are always on the outskirts of cities anyways but it's nice to not have to pay a fortune to use a bus and be nearer to the city centre! Having said that,the car is barely getting used these days and my Aunty Sally lives a few streets away and my Uncle Jim only over in Easton,which is a few miles away(and they both live in the same houses they lived in 20 years ago or so!)and Alex is over the other side of the city too....and our old house was so hard to heat,whereas here I've been hot a few times which never happened there!
Yes of course there are things I miss, my best friend Leigh(whom just called me tonight)and my friend Ryan(whom I used to flirt with outrageously)and Louise and Zara and Helen but I keep in touch with most of those anyways and Louise I'll ask Ryan to tell her so send me a friend request on Facebook or something....
So much to tell but I don't want to to bore everyone with long entries like I used to,so I'll condense it to a few choice things...
Was nice seeing the new owners moving in after we left there,when we passed by,but only wish we'd picked a much better removals company considering they misjudged how many vans needed,the lady who came to pack packed up everything including stuff we were going to give to charity and then didn't pack a lamp and figurine properly so the lamp stand was bent and the figurine cracked at the bottom,but then there was a upside as my mosaic table was forgotten plus some other stuff so when they brought the plants they brought the other items van for furniture,one full of boxes...I kid you not!
Aunty Sally surprised us when we moved in and my Uncle Jim's been over too which has been lovely,and it felt kinda surreal to be drinking tea at Sally's the evening of the day we moved in,if anyone had told me I would be doing that the week before I'd never have believed them...!
Explored a little,the city centre is nice and Park Street too,a couple of other places too and one of which I did very well in the charity shops....lots of jewellery etc and vintage 80's Marks and Spencer's(St Michael) belt too!
Been up to The Mall north of the city too a few times and that's been nice,got chatting to the manager of an instore coffee chain here which was lovely,as it was very quiet in there since it was a mid week evening and he's giving us free coffees next time which is nice!
Got some bargain Lipsy perfumes too but its mainly CDs that have been my thing lately...even if I did lose a load in the move but I don't know how as our buyers(who we keep in touch with,being friends) haven't found them...hmm....!
Have found a few Hello Kitty things,mainly stationery in sales and also some from a kid's section,one store I used to go in for it has become way too expensive so I'd only bother in a sale anyways.
At least we have a Jane Norman here as the one where we lived before closed down,but I only go for the sale stuff but I did get an adorable shrug and peplum cardigan.I have a lovely pair of jeans from the one where we lived before but it looks like it was a one off like my other pair I got elsewhere since the styles of them now don't suit me!
I'm not a jeans girl for them most part,I'm more 80's glam...I adore peplum's and pencil skirts..!
It's a shame peplum's are no longer in fashion...not that I care apart from the fact I can barely get them now...ho hum.
Have no vinyl player as my Dad's old one is too big and my Mum's old one doesn't work! Alex is getting me one after he gets his new car and I'm hopefully seeing him on Thursday afternoon too, but if he can't get me one I do know of somewhere anyways.
My room may look a little cluttered but I did do my best to downsize anyways but I can just about find a place for everything!
Near my Aunty Sally's there is a lovely nature reserve called Troopers Hill and it has breathtaking views of the city from it,like my Aunty's garden does too...I posted a picture of a bench on a hill once last year with a poem at sunset and I have sat on that very bench twice now and written poetry...well,tried writer's block the first time! Ha!
Oh and we sold the appartement in France but then we needed to in order to buy the house we are in now to put it with the money from the sale of our old place...was sad leaving there for the last time in October,I do miss it but we were never going to keep it forever,was too expensive too and especially as we only go twice a year if that....still hopefully going to that part of France but just rent a Gite or something instead and Teresa and Ken know a friend whom has one anyways...!
Weather been horrible here lately,gloomy out there today and the wind was so bad on Saturday morning it ripped our letterbox lid off! We have Troopers Hill between us and the river so flooding isn't a concern anyways.
Anyways,that's all I can think to write or I shouldn't write anymore,I've gone on long enough so I'll write the rest tomorrow hopefully!
When I can figure out how to do it,I'll post some pics and music...well,I'll try music first anyways so you know what I've been listening to!
Anyways,'Blessed Be'
Viviane x