Just got back home....what's my mood like today?

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For once....

So,I got home last night and had my pampering night and just watched some videos before bed....didn't sleep that much and woke too early and had my appointment this morning....
It went very well indeed.....
I got there about an hour early as we left early just in case of queues and traffic...there was some but no queue at least when we got there....
Ended up waiting a little while(I did get part the way through the booklet for Psychocandy though while waiting)until I was called I think I must have been there for only about half an hour and it was done....it was actually a minor operation that I had done....on my face...
Had a local anesthetic and I won't say exactly what it was I had done but it's all been done now and I just have a plaster over said area and I'm just waiting for it to wear off and the plaster will just come of naturally within about a day I was told and I just got to keep it dry for 48 hours....I did my hair last night and had a bath so that's ok anyway...
It'll only leave a small scar when its healed but it won't be too noticeable anyway,I was told....like just a small spot kinda thing which I'm not too bothered about....I'm not gonna bore you all with the details(or gross you out not that it was especially gross) but the worry I had over the whole thing now feels like worry over nothing although I was panicking on the way and nervy when having it done but I'm known for being a right worrier!
The only thing that is a concern now is what was written on the form afterwards that I had to hand in at the counter...I don't wanna say what it was but it was a worry and I guess if all is ok with it then I'll hear nothing more so let's hope that I don't hear anything more now....
Think of something skin related and you'll get the idea....
But while waiting to hand the form in,there was a girl stood behind me and she's someone I know from work....it didn't click at first but then I thought she was gonna talk to me as she was looking and then she asked if we've worked together before and I told her and then she said whom she was and we had a good chat...she herself has a skin problem so understands exactly how horrid people can be about such things....I've always had bad skin especially on said area where this problem was....
It can be stress related as hers has been and also my heat rash thing is as well...I'm not gonna detail exactly how bad my hands were in the summer of 2002 but that was and I know that that was the reason why too!
Anyway,had a cup of tea in the cafe and came home...just waiting for the guy to come out now to fix the temperamental internet of mine and got to ring up about our phone line too....
What are my plans for today...well,the weather's nice,I'm in a good mood(for once some might say!:eek
and I fancy going out later....Hello Kitty stickers beckons and maybe I might make an apple pie later....

Plus my Psychocandy dvd and Darklands DVDs need watching...plus that Creation Records one too....
Hmmm,we'll see what gives with the repairman and what else etc.....but I think I might watch those dvds in a bit if I can fix up the dvd player with the main tv and see if the fact there's no sound on mum's keep fit dvd is the tv in the kitchen or the player...
Oh and we're gonna go and look at some cars later......well,not new ones. used cars but not older than 05/06..just to see what's there though...we're really gonna wait for what the guy from the garage says come friday
Last night was funny though....my friend Paul kept making me laugh....moaning on about being old and decrepit and I said to Marla,did she happen to have a violin and then the pair of us started doing violin actions at him as he was moaning on.....and then to Gurpreet later she said whom else was coming later on(Paul) and when I said whom she was like 'oh no!' I said it's ok for her,I've had to put up with him for an hour already!
He's a bit annoying sometimes but he's a nice guy anyway!
Everyone was wishing me good luck for today...Janet,Claire,and a few others and I'm gonna send Claire a message on facebook later too....
I told her I would tell her what gives...
Won't see them all until a week on friday but I shall let her know today so she can tell Janet at least tonight...and Manjit
Someone asked me last night if I was going away again this week(as in what I did in end of July/start of August) and I said I wished I was...still do though but oh well...at least this morning wasn't too bad and I have the rest of the day to my lil' self....
Woulda been nice but what with the car issue and the short notice and France next month it's a no-no...
Oh and tomorrow too....
But it doesn't currently look like we're doing anything tomorrow now....so maybe I can get those dvds watched then....instead of today
Boring house stuff but then I do wanna move next year so as boring as it is it's gotta be done
Perhaps I could go for a walk if I get too bored....oh,but then I do need to go to the library anyway...so I can fit that in somewhere
I have some little projects I need to get started on as well too...
So yeah,I can get that done tomorrow too and some arty stuff I could get done also as well...cool!
For once....

So,I got home last night and had my pampering night and just watched some videos before bed....didn't sleep that much and woke too early and had my appointment this morning....

It went very well indeed.....

I got there about an hour early as we left early just in case of queues and traffic...there was some but no queue at least when we got there....

Ended up waiting a little while(I did get part the way through the booklet for Psychocandy though while waiting)until I was called I think I must have been there for only about half an hour and it was done....it was actually a minor operation that I had done....on my face...

Had a local anesthetic and I won't say exactly what it was I had done but it's all been done now and I just have a plaster over said area and I'm just waiting for it to wear off and the plaster will just come of naturally within about a day I was told and I just got to keep it dry for 48 hours....I did my hair last night and had a bath so that's ok anyway...

It'll only leave a small scar when its healed but it won't be too noticeable anyway,I was told....like just a small spot kinda thing which I'm not too bothered about....I'm not gonna bore you all with the details(or gross you out not that it was especially gross) but the worry I had over the whole thing now feels like worry over nothing although I was panicking on the way and nervy when having it done but I'm known for being a right worrier!

The only thing that is a concern now is what was written on the form afterwards that I had to hand in at the counter...I don't wanna say what it was but it was a worry and I guess if all is ok with it then I'll hear nothing more so let's hope that I don't hear anything more now....

Think of something skin related and you'll get the idea....

But while waiting to hand the form in,there was a girl stood behind me and she's someone I know from work....it didn't click at first but then I thought she was gonna talk to me as she was looking and then she asked if we've worked together before and I told her and then she said whom she was and we had a good chat...she herself has a skin problem so understands exactly how horrid people can be about such things....I've always had bad skin especially on said area where this problem was....

It can be stress related as hers has been and also my heat rash thing is as well...I'm not gonna detail exactly how bad my hands were in the summer of 2002 but that was and I know that that was the reason why too!

Anyway,had a cup of tea in the cafe and came home...just waiting for the guy to come out now to fix the temperamental internet of mine and got to ring up about our phone line too....

What are my plans for today...well,the weather's nice,I'm in a good mood(for once some might say!:eek

and I fancy going out later....Hello Kitty stickers beckons and maybe I might make an apple pie later....

Plus my Psychocandy dvd and Darklands DVDs need watching...plus that Creation Records one too....

Hmmm,we'll see what gives with the repairman and what else etc.....but I think I might watch those dvds in a bit if I can fix up the dvd player with the main tv and see if the fact there's no sound on mum's keep fit dvd is the tv in the kitchen or the player...

Oh and we're gonna go and look at some cars later......well,not new ones. used cars but not older than 05/06..just to see what's there though...we're really gonna wait for what the guy from the garage says come friday

Last night was funny though....my friend Paul kept making me laugh....moaning on about being old and decrepit and I said to Marla,did she happen to have a violin and then the pair of us started doing violin actions at him as he was moaning on.....and then to Gurpreet later she said whom else was coming later on(Paul) and when I said whom she was like 'oh no!' I said it's ok for her,I've had to put up with him for an hour already!
He's a bit annoying sometimes but he's a nice guy anyway!

Everyone was wishing me good luck for today...Janet,Claire,and a few others and I'm gonna send Claire a message on facebook later too....

Won't see them all until a week on friday but I shall let her know today so she can tell Janet at least tonight...and Manjit

Someone asked me last night if I was going away again this week(as in what I did in end of July/start of August) and I said I wished I was...still do though but oh well...at least this morning wasn't too bad and I have the rest of the day to my lil' self....

Oh and tomorrow too....

But it doesn't currently look like we're doing anything tomorrow now....so maybe I can get those dvds watched then....instead of today

Perhaps I could go for a walk if I get too bored....oh,but then I do need to go to the library anyway...so I can fit that in somewhere

So yeah,I can get that done tomorrow too and some arty stuff I could get done also as well...cool!

a bit of music now I think...
Trip-Hoppy which isn't their usual style...but I like it anyway
an all time fave of mine....
a couple more from the Projekt label also...
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An old fave
very pretty too...
An old fave

very pretty too...

much love and hugs and kisses to you all my lovelies...