today was slightly better...somewhat...well,a lot better,really...

Was up early and I had slept better anyway...decided to wear my pink and black stripe top with the black lace on it...thought since the weather's not too cold I could...the other option I had was my shirt and belted skirt and that I can wear anytime anyway...teamed up with my pencil skirt and pink tights and black glitter ones on top along with my usual jewels and bangles/bracelets,my silver stones butterfly belt and my Jennyfer blazer with the crest on and the usual rings and Hello Kitty watch I thought it looked quite ok...lifted my mood somewhat...

Anyway,had to go and get those printouts done at the library and it wasn't too good...thought that maybe last time I printed out and the last 1 wasn't very good was maybe just a one off...not so...I think I'll find somewhere else next time...only about 4 of the 6 are really's for a poster I'm making...not saying what or whom of but it's a band and one I posted recently...but it was a disappointment somewhat!
Anyway,was off into town...went pretty much bit is for Hello Kitty afficionados...

Well,I had a bubble bath last night...not a nice hot one as I planned though...having to use the immersion heater and I switched it off BEFORE running the bath...BAD IDEA! My bath ended up half cold....grrrrr...and had to try and use some water from the shower to warm it up.did it work...err,no....!
Anyway,got a nice purse for that pink bag of mine...not sure now if I will use it for France in october as originally intended....depends how the kitty bag situation turns out....but at least I have the wallet anyway just in case and I can use it at the weekend if I decide not to go with it for october anyway! Currently using my HK pirate pink bag some cute jewels too including the matching necklace for some earrings of mine...will wear the set at the weekend! Too cute...! Also got some earrings for my outfits in October while they had them there and cheap....forward,I know but at least I have them ready and saves me regretting not getting them when I saw them when it comes to October and I've not got any for the outfits yet!
Well, forgot about the tape deck but will call Helen sometime over the weekend or maybe next week....give her notice so she can fit that fuse before I come to pick it up!
Tomorrow should be a more relaxing day but I'm not gonna be lazy and spend all day online..I have projects on the go(the poster and my new diary/journal needs decorating-my mid year diary runs out at the end of the month and I can't get another Hello Kitty one that is mid year except if I get a french one which involves either waiting until october to get one there-if I can get one and they're not all gone but I did that with the one I've got anyway or ebay france..postage too expensive!The one I have is a jan-to dec one and I'll just start it mid year anyway as it's not for any particular year-that's blank)....DVDs to watch and I might even go for a walk down into the village...mum's off out with a friend and taking the car anyway...not that I mind...she'll be gone all day as she'll drive to a hotel nearby and they're going from there on a coach...she did say I could drop her off and pick her up later and have the car but there's nowhere I wanna go anyway... ah well...
Right,that's it for now..will post some videos as usual a bit later....