that'd be the new animated LotR movie!
about an unnamed character from the Silmarillion, and in what looks an awful lot like a Studio Ghibli-esque art style - I LOVED IT SO MUCH 😭😭😭
Peter Jackson is still involved, so it's still got that original LotR feel to it, and because it's animated a lot more can be done that would be difficult to accomplish with live action. and behind the hobbits, Rohan had always been my favorite LotR culture so I was just entranced and IN LOVE the entire time 💕💕💕💕
I hadn't even known it was a thing until about a week before it came out in theaters lol. but omfg. it was so good. I can't wait until it's out for individual purchase and I can watch it a million times at home 😍😭😍😭