use the first letter of your username to answer the following questions!
thank you, @scorpiontim87, for giving me a reason to use the fuck out of google. 😂😂
1. A Type of Candy: Volcano Rocks
2. A Song: Voodoo - Godsmack
3. A Football Team: Minnesota Vikings
4. A Tailgate Food: Veggie wrap
5. A City: Vienna, Austria
6. A Color: Veridian! I actually didn't need google for that one lmao!
7. A Movie: V for Vendetta - that one's made for me lol!
8. A Camping Item: Vest.
9. Something to Wear: .... vest. 🤣 alternatively, veil.
10. Something to be Thankful For: ..... vagina. 🤭🤭
11. Something in a Haunted House: Vivisections. 🔪
12. Something Yellow: uhm. Vanilla cake?
13. Historical Person: Vladimir Lenin ⚒
14. A Candle Scent: well, I guess vanilla again 😩
15. A Fall Activity: Visit a pumpkin patch 🎃
I'm gonna tag these lucky souls to try their best at this!:
🍁 @machraffe 🍁 @mrspinich 🍁 @ajsul 🍁 @hotdoguk 🍁 @kingpin67 🍁 @blybarger 🍁 @jacleric 🍁 @sxeforlife 🍁 @weedfarmer 🍁 @metalfreak 🍁 @incontrol88 🍁 @burden_in_my_hand 🍁
good luck!! 🥰🥰