well. I had to ask a close friend about this, since I actually didn't know what to say myself. 😅 and what he said to me was something along the lines of "you are one of the kindest, gentlest people I know, and I think you should write about that."
it feels a little weird to elaborate more on that - but I also think adventurous might have to be up there these days, too, and that I can talk about. once upon a time, I was scared shitless to do much of anything at all outside of my comfort zone - and that comfort zone didn't involve much beyond reading books and playing video games. it's taken me a lot of courage and outside encouragement to work past that, and I've met so many amazing people (like @lunalafaye!) and come into so many amazing new hobbies, and trying new things and going new places and meeting new people is now so extremely exciting to me. I wouldn't be here, otherwise! and my life would be all the emptier for it.