well, let me start out by saying I definitely did not always feel comfortable in my own skin. bullying, abuse, and societal expectations left a pretty sour taste in my mouth for how I looked for a very long time.
I'd say what finally helped me overcome all of it was a combination of two things: one, boyfriends who were actually good to me and spent every day building me back up after my past, and two - which is probably the stronger force - spite.
lmao, yeah, spite. you try telling me I can't do anything, and I'll do it just to tell you to go fuck yourself. what better way to learn to love yourself than doing it to spite everyone who ever tried to drag you down, whether they're a shitty abusive ex-boyfriend or some rich CEO trying to tell me my skin won't be presentable without foundation.
I'm proud to say I love myself fiercely now. there's no space left in me anymore for shame or fear.
an aside: the above is written with a fair amount of skinny privilege. I recognize how bigger women have an infinitely harder time finding acceptance in a world that hates fat people (and men, too, to be fair), and this is more a commentary on how even when you have the flat stomach society reveres, it will still find parts of you to shred and tell you need to be fixed in order to be good enough. but even with that experience, I do acknowledge that it's still incomparable to the lives and experiences of fat people. it has been hard for me, of course it has, but it will never be and has never been as hard for me as it is for them.
strength and solidarity to you all, my loves. 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻