So happy! New set in MR! Took a EXTREMELY long nap. Went everywhere and it seems absolutely nowhere today. Thinking about making a Vodka sauce with some type of noodle for dinner (Ramen? I kid). Though I haven't been above using Ramen when I cannot find anything else.
I think Lark Burger in Boulder is the only place where Soy Beans (In the pod) are about as healthy as fries and oh so delicious. Everywhere else they are good for you. There it's fairly laughable. So I ordered 2 boxes...
My lace arm warmers came! SO excited! They are in the picture on the previous blog. Oh my goodness I think I might be one of the dullest people in history. Though MMO's are not dull and I've been addicted for 5 years. Cool by association! Thinking about playing the Tera beta right now but that requires switching comps. Lazy I know. Like I said also dull.
I know its horrible to talk about your cats in your blog... but I don't care. Abaddon (My little Angel of Destruction) won't stop kicking the crap out of Severus. It has become a real issue... Though I think I'm bias toward Abaddon. He's so fuzzy. Truly a devil kitten.
Alright, I shall stop boring you all and play Tera or make dinner. Not sure which wins... Probably the Video Game. I hope you all have a lovely evening and check out Descend in Member Review! There might be a picture to follow if I can find it.
<3 Vivian
P.P.S.Grammar sucks I have no time for it... LOL (Excuse? Absolutely.) Spelling can take a hike with it!
As promised I have found a picture for yet another emote. Today we cover
I was sick, the picture is cute. I fell asleep on skype w/ a friend and they took the picture from their comp. lol

I think Lark Burger in Boulder is the only place where Soy Beans (In the pod) are about as healthy as fries and oh so delicious. Everywhere else they are good for you. There it's fairly laughable. So I ordered 2 boxes...
My lace arm warmers came! SO excited! They are in the picture on the previous blog. Oh my goodness I think I might be one of the dullest people in history. Though MMO's are not dull and I've been addicted for 5 years. Cool by association! Thinking about playing the Tera beta right now but that requires switching comps. Lazy I know. Like I said also dull.
I know its horrible to talk about your cats in your blog... but I don't care. Abaddon (My little Angel of Destruction) won't stop kicking the crap out of Severus. It has become a real issue... Though I think I'm bias toward Abaddon. He's so fuzzy. Truly a devil kitten.
Alright, I shall stop boring you all and play Tera or make dinner. Not sure which wins... Probably the Video Game. I hope you all have a lovely evening and check out Descend in Member Review! There might be a picture to follow if I can find it.
<3 Vivian
P.P.S.Grammar sucks I have no time for it... LOL (Excuse? Absolutely.) Spelling can take a hike with it!

Lol you have no idea how helpful that is! My kitten is truly Abaddon "The Bringer of Destruction". How does a kitten beat the living daylights out of a full grown male cat? Idk. He's the alpha I guess and yet a cuddle bunny... I think that should be an oxymoron? P.S. Everyone watch what you name your cats! lol
cats do that, and hi vivian