THAT"S IT!!!! ...................
Itsy and I now have a love hate relationship. Mostly hate with a tiny bit of love.... GD it the crap people try to sell on there! It makes you wonder what they are thinking? Some of the stuff is straight out of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre and not Gothic at all just some creepy piece of trash someone decided was worth putting up. Now I am freaked out and not in a cool way, Texas Chainsaw is my least fav horror movie! If you note my sentence is Final Girl (<3 the girl who always lives in a horror movie. In classical terms she is called the Final Girl)
I was trying to find new things for my desk, pretty dark, beautiful pieces. I keep coming across trash that scares me. Halp! Halp! Halp! I feel like the movie has invaded my living room. I want to keep looking because I have found pretty things but I have to weed through the just ugh! If you're going to sell something that weird on Itsy it is "Horror" Gothic is a term used for a style albeit sometimes creepy style it doesn't mean blood and guts. I'm all for horror movies my sentence has been Final Girl since I've been on SG. But seriously?! Alright, back to searching. P.S. this is an unedited nerd rage. It's pure reaction and disgust, no filter, editor, or grammar correction. I must admit I never do any of it anyway...
<3 you all and please don't take stuff in your back yard that you paint black or splatter with blood and try to sell it on Itsy calling it Gothic!
Itsy and I now have a love hate relationship. Mostly hate with a tiny bit of love.... GD it the crap people try to sell on there! It makes you wonder what they are thinking? Some of the stuff is straight out of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre and not Gothic at all just some creepy piece of trash someone decided was worth putting up. Now I am freaked out and not in a cool way, Texas Chainsaw is my least fav horror movie! If you note my sentence is Final Girl (<3 the girl who always lives in a horror movie. In classical terms she is called the Final Girl)
I was trying to find new things for my desk, pretty dark, beautiful pieces. I keep coming across trash that scares me. Halp! Halp! Halp! I feel like the movie has invaded my living room. I want to keep looking because I have found pretty things but I have to weed through the just ugh! If you're going to sell something that weird on Itsy it is "Horror" Gothic is a term used for a style albeit sometimes creepy style it doesn't mean blood and guts. I'm all for horror movies my sentence has been Final Girl since I've been on SG. But seriously?! Alright, back to searching. P.S. this is an unedited nerd rage. It's pure reaction and disgust, no filter, editor, or grammar correction. I must admit I never do any of it anyway...
<3 you all and please don't take stuff in your back yard that you paint black or splatter with blood and try to sell it on Itsy calling it Gothic!
Lol @Darkram and @JustRoadan I like bright things too. My parasol is creme 

aw, i LOVE the original TCM!