Going to Seattle for a bit. Meeting some new people up there. My friends promise they are nice. So hopefully they are. that anti social thing and mean people don't mix too well.
In wow news Meinrad (Aka gods gift to me ) Is the best raid leader i could have asked for! We did so well in Kara last night.
I'm leveling a priest to level 70 so that my pallies can take a healing break. We have 20 70's in our guild. So five more and alot of Kara and we will be ready for 25 mans. I think the whole guild wants to see Naxaraumus.
This guy i know is driving me nuts. He says he's think about switching back over to my guild. I don't want him... not even a little bit. He's too hyper for my laid back guild. And none of my officers think its a good idea. So while i'm gone my second in command is going to tell him he cant come over. He picks way too many fights.
In non wow news Went to the book store again and got a tarot card book to play with. Fun fun
My car has had two flat tiers in the past week. One i got stuck on the side of HW119. No one would pull over so i broke down crying. I didn't have my cell phone on me. I was in the middle of nowhere. It was so sad. Until this lady finally went up the HW and turned around and helped me followed shortly by another lady. Made me feel a little better. Then she let me use her cell phone and i called Erickk who was there in record time... flipping across the median to get to the other side of the HW faster. I have such good friends. On top of that Big O paid for one of my flats to be replaced and I got winked at which always makes me happy lol.
There is this weeks story
Song Of The Day: No Cars Go By The Arcade Fire
In wow news Meinrad (Aka gods gift to me ) Is the best raid leader i could have asked for! We did so well in Kara last night.
I'm leveling a priest to level 70 so that my pallies can take a healing break. We have 20 70's in our guild. So five more and alot of Kara and we will be ready for 25 mans. I think the whole guild wants to see Naxaraumus.
This guy i know is driving me nuts. He says he's think about switching back over to my guild. I don't want him... not even a little bit. He's too hyper for my laid back guild. And none of my officers think its a good idea. So while i'm gone my second in command is going to tell him he cant come over. He picks way too many fights.
In non wow news Went to the book store again and got a tarot card book to play with. Fun fun
My car has had two flat tiers in the past week. One i got stuck on the side of HW119. No one would pull over so i broke down crying. I didn't have my cell phone on me. I was in the middle of nowhere. It was so sad. Until this lady finally went up the HW and turned around and helped me followed shortly by another lady. Made me feel a little better. Then she let me use her cell phone and i called Erickk who was there in record time... flipping across the median to get to the other side of the HW faster. I have such good friends. On top of that Big O paid for one of my flats to be replaced and I got winked at which always makes me happy lol.
There is this weeks story
Song Of The Day: No Cars Go By The Arcade Fire
On music: lots of 80s stuff.
Have fun in Seattle.