Saw the captivating Devil Doll late last night at possibly the worst club in town. I guess in Jax, when doors open at 8:30, don't expect to see a band before 11:00. Great show, but I think Imperial needs some work. The whole place seems incomplete, and like it is constantly under construction. I have never been there when it looked like a finished place. Ever. Even when it was Rock-and-Roll Pizza. A nice hobo outside the club tried to sell us some percocet while we were waiting to get in. We had to pass. After a long wait, the show finally got rolling. She played for almost an hour and a half. Great set, despite a crazed fan who was just a little too into the show. Hopefully next time she comes through Florida a better venue is open that night. Great finish to a busy busy weekend. Friday night -poker and Vespas, and drinking for Mike and Becky's birthdays. Saturday - more drinking and a trip to a certain shady establishment on Emerson and 95. Lame, I know, but it was still Mike's birthday weekend. Sunday - sleeping and Starbucks twice, Bono's bbq, and Imperial. Tired now.
my weekend was good. I was taking a class and I went to the movies a lot and/or watching a movie at home.
I've become movie obsessed recently.