I have a new apartment! Its a lovely top floor of an old row house. Standing all by itself on the corner, with an empty lot next to it. Two bedroom. Larger than any two bedroom I've shared to date. I'm rather delighted. Now all I need is furniture. :-p
Saw the Harry Potter movie last night. mmmm delicious. but sad. I can't wait till the book comes out. I'm just a lil bit of a fan
For some reason or another, I'm up at 7am...and can't fall back to sleep. More internet fiddle time I guess.
Saw the Harry Potter movie last night. mmmm delicious. but sad. I can't wait till the book comes out. I'm just a lil bit of a fan

For some reason or another, I'm up at 7am...and can't fall back to sleep. More internet fiddle time I guess.
congrats on the new place i wish you the best there