Shit, I promised myself that even though I'm so busy I would make sure I update more frequently then once a month and I just checked out the date of my last entry and it was over a month ago
My how the time flys. Next thing you know and it will be bloody christmas.
Although christmas will be good cause I will hopefully get to see my family. I miss them a lot.
Mum moved back to Canberra little over a month ago now so I no longer have any of my family left on the Gold Coast, Phil's family is here but its not the same thing really. Phil's brother and his wife are planning to move back to Canberra as well which will only leave his mum and dad.
The Gold Coast can be a really harsh place, dashing the hopes and dreams of people looking for a better life filled with sunshine, beaches and warm weather.
There are thousands of people moving here every week and there just isn't enough jobs to go around. Sure your fine if you have specialist skills such as a mechanic, builder etc, but for most other jobs employers will go for someone younger, more attractive, cheaper to pay and they can, simply because of the huge amount of people looking for work, so they pick and choose as they please.
Luckily for mum that Canberra is a loyal place, drawing her back into the safety of its bosom, providing her with numerous job offers on the first week of her return. This was a real confidence booster after the constant rejection that she faced from the Gold Coast and its people.
I feel for all the people out there who have moved here with the same dreams as ourselves yet unlike us have had to return, tail between their legs and dreams shattered to a life they hoped to leave behind.
I feel extremely lucky that we were able to start our own business's thanks to the money we made from the sale of our house in Canberra.
It was always the plan for Phil to start his webhosting business once we moved to the Gold Coast but I was forced into self employment after six months job searching to no avail. It has turned out to be a real blessing as now I am doing something I truly love and making money from it but still I was only able to because of our financial situation.
For us things have worked out well, moving to the Gold Coast has been the best thing we ever did, others like my mother having to face the reality that not all dreams can come true.

My how the time flys. Next thing you know and it will be bloody christmas.
Although christmas will be good cause I will hopefully get to see my family. I miss them a lot.
Mum moved back to Canberra little over a month ago now so I no longer have any of my family left on the Gold Coast, Phil's family is here but its not the same thing really. Phil's brother and his wife are planning to move back to Canberra as well which will only leave his mum and dad.
The Gold Coast can be a really harsh place, dashing the hopes and dreams of people looking for a better life filled with sunshine, beaches and warm weather.
There are thousands of people moving here every week and there just isn't enough jobs to go around. Sure your fine if you have specialist skills such as a mechanic, builder etc, but for most other jobs employers will go for someone younger, more attractive, cheaper to pay and they can, simply because of the huge amount of people looking for work, so they pick and choose as they please.
Luckily for mum that Canberra is a loyal place, drawing her back into the safety of its bosom, providing her with numerous job offers on the first week of her return. This was a real confidence booster after the constant rejection that she faced from the Gold Coast and its people.
I feel for all the people out there who have moved here with the same dreams as ourselves yet unlike us have had to return, tail between their legs and dreams shattered to a life they hoped to leave behind.
I feel extremely lucky that we were able to start our own business's thanks to the money we made from the sale of our house in Canberra.
It was always the plan for Phil to start his webhosting business once we moved to the Gold Coast but I was forced into self employment after six months job searching to no avail. It has turned out to be a real blessing as now I am doing something I truly love and making money from it but still I was only able to because of our financial situation.
For us things have worked out well, moving to the Gold Coast has been the best thing we ever did, others like my mother having to face the reality that not all dreams can come true.
RIP lurch83