Hi guys, well you may or may not have been wondering where i've been and what I've been up to.
Firstly, thankyou all for your thoughts and kind words, you make me feel loved
I will try to reply to you all as soon as I can.
Secondly, Phil is healing well and is back out surfing....
And lastly, over the last three weeks I have been working my ass off putting in 14-16 hour days 7 days a week. For what you may ask, well as some of you are aware I have been trying to get a job since my relocation to the Gold Coast and with not much success. So on careful consideration of this I decided if I couldn't find myself a job I would CREATE a job for myself.
So I decided that I would make wedding and novelty cakes. I have spent the last few weeks creating model cakes to display my skills.
This in itself was a challenge, how to make a "fake" cake ie one that would look like a cake but wouldn't rot or age etc. Firstly I tried making cake shapes using playdoh, this didn't work as the salt content of the playdoh mixed with the sugar glue in between the 'cake' and icing and the playdoh effectively melted.
So I thought I would try and use Styrofoam, perfect, after a few tries this worked perfectly. Anyway to cut a long story short I have spent the last 2 weeks decorating my 'foam' cakes.
Below are a few pics of the ones that are finished.
I am still working on a couple at the moment and will post pics of them once they are finished.
So next week I will be setting up a stall in the middle of the shopping mall across the road for the day, it will be interesting and I will have to see how I go, then next weekend I will see about setting up a stall at one of the local markets and so on.
I still have lots to do like getting colour brochures, business cards etc but I feel I am well on the way.
Anyway I will try and update when I get a chance, hope you are all well

Firstly, thankyou all for your thoughts and kind words, you make me feel loved

Secondly, Phil is healing well and is back out surfing....
And lastly, over the last three weeks I have been working my ass off putting in 14-16 hour days 7 days a week. For what you may ask, well as some of you are aware I have been trying to get a job since my relocation to the Gold Coast and with not much success. So on careful consideration of this I decided if I couldn't find myself a job I would CREATE a job for myself.
So I decided that I would make wedding and novelty cakes. I have spent the last few weeks creating model cakes to display my skills.
This in itself was a challenge, how to make a "fake" cake ie one that would look like a cake but wouldn't rot or age etc. Firstly I tried making cake shapes using playdoh, this didn't work as the salt content of the playdoh mixed with the sugar glue in between the 'cake' and icing and the playdoh effectively melted.
So I thought I would try and use Styrofoam, perfect, after a few tries this worked perfectly. Anyway to cut a long story short I have spent the last 2 weeks decorating my 'foam' cakes.
Below are a few pics of the ones that are finished.
I am still working on a couple at the moment and will post pics of them once they are finished.
So next week I will be setting up a stall in the middle of the shopping mall across the road for the day, it will be interesting and I will have to see how I go, then next weekend I will see about setting up a stall at one of the local markets and so on.
I still have lots to do like getting colour brochures, business cards etc but I feel I am well on the way.
Anyway I will try and update when I get a chance, hope you are all well

you are so talented!!! you go girl!!!! the buisness name is awesome!!!