I thought that I would share a few poems that I wrote in high school:
Lone Star
I lay there
eyes wide open
the heavens lay before me
my eyes wonder
questions running through my mind
of other lives
and other times
of where I might have been
your brightness shinning down on me
from out of pitch black skies
perhaps I lived upon your surface
and had a different life
perhaps I had a family
and then perhaps I died
the cold wind blows, whirling past me
the stern image of your body lying there haunts me
the feeling of death all around
emptiness, loneliness and hopelessness
life no longer worth living
the world around me is now grey and hazed
my unseeing eyes are full of tears
the cruel earth still I lay on
nothing I am left with but the memory of your sickening death
as thick black waves thunder down on the shore
and the rain falls hard and smashes on the pavement
my heart thuds loudly how I wish it would stop
why did you do it?
The Creature
The wilderness of the jungle was all around
sounds of water trickling down
the empty screams of helpless animals
eyes of prey watching, watching all the time
rustles in the trees from unknown creatures
something lurking in the near distance
darkness looms down from above
fear rushes through the air
deep dark eyes watch from afar
the sense of been hunted runs through my skin
long sharp teeth shimmer in the darkness
hair standing on end
the creature lowers itself to the damp earth
the stench of death arises from deep within the jungle
the cool breeze sends a shiver up my spine
still the feeling of been watched haunts me
the rustling in the bushes gets closer and closer
my heart pounds in my ears this sound I can not stop
a distant high pitched scream sounds
I jump about a foot
still the creature watches me
I wait and watch but the darkness gets the better of my eyes
no longer can I see into the depths of the jungle
my vision limited to about a meter a head of me
yet I know the creature moves closer
I can hear the soft pant of its breath
the creature senses this fear and knows that it is time
the creature lunges back and in one smooth action leaps forward
and with out stretched paws knocks his prey over
blood gushes out of my head and the creature feasts on my flesh
I know the end in hear
when the last of this life fads as I slip into unconsciousness
Lone Star
I lay there
eyes wide open
the heavens lay before me
my eyes wonder
questions running through my mind
of other lives
and other times
of where I might have been
your brightness shinning down on me
from out of pitch black skies
perhaps I lived upon your surface
and had a different life
perhaps I had a family
and then perhaps I died
the cold wind blows, whirling past me
the stern image of your body lying there haunts me
the feeling of death all around
emptiness, loneliness and hopelessness
life no longer worth living
the world around me is now grey and hazed
my unseeing eyes are full of tears
the cruel earth still I lay on
nothing I am left with but the memory of your sickening death
as thick black waves thunder down on the shore
and the rain falls hard and smashes on the pavement
my heart thuds loudly how I wish it would stop
why did you do it?
The Creature
The wilderness of the jungle was all around
sounds of water trickling down
the empty screams of helpless animals
eyes of prey watching, watching all the time
rustles in the trees from unknown creatures
something lurking in the near distance
darkness looms down from above
fear rushes through the air
deep dark eyes watch from afar
the sense of been hunted runs through my skin
long sharp teeth shimmer in the darkness
hair standing on end
the creature lowers itself to the damp earth
the stench of death arises from deep within the jungle
the cool breeze sends a shiver up my spine
still the feeling of been watched haunts me
the rustling in the bushes gets closer and closer
my heart pounds in my ears this sound I can not stop
a distant high pitched scream sounds
I jump about a foot
still the creature watches me
I wait and watch but the darkness gets the better of my eyes
no longer can I see into the depths of the jungle
my vision limited to about a meter a head of me
yet I know the creature moves closer
I can hear the soft pant of its breath
the creature senses this fear and knows that it is time
the creature lunges back and in one smooth action leaps forward
and with out stretched paws knocks his prey over
blood gushes out of my head and the creature feasts on my flesh
I know the end in hear
when the last of this life fads as I slip into unconsciousness

As for SGs, it would appear they have some sort of standard or plan for how they list SGs, so you would probably have to change your name to something shorter, or something...