I've just been told we, the boy and I, are off to Bundaburg tomorrow morning.
We have been invited to stay for a few days with the sister-in-law, her husband and the kids.
It should be a great couple of days, we all get along really well, they are really easy going and quite out there so it will be fun!
They tell us Bundaburg is a real hole, but they always have interesting stories to tell regarding the locals. Apparently they are all quiet strange.
On the job hunt issue, anyone want to give me a job?
Anyways I've decided I want to be a pastry chef, and thanks to discombobulate I now know which courses are available to me but I have to do an apprenticeship at the same time.
I know where I would love to do my apprenticeship, but I'm so scared to approach them incase they tell me they don't want to offer an apprenticeship (they are a family owned and run company).
Im such a chicken. I cant handle rejection. Plus they are so awesome, they make the most awesome wedding and novelty cakes I've ever seen in my life. So if they say there not interested I really don't know anywhere else I'd be interested in doing it.
Anyway I'm starting to get my courage together to approach them but then Im not really sure of how to go about it.
Should I just turn up at their shop and ask them out right or should I email them/write a letter and let them know my intentions and offer to meet them if they are interested in going further with it.
Shit I don't know...
Any advice?
We have been invited to stay for a few days with the sister-in-law, her husband and the kids.
It should be a great couple of days, we all get along really well, they are really easy going and quite out there so it will be fun!
They tell us Bundaburg is a real hole, but they always have interesting stories to tell regarding the locals. Apparently they are all quiet strange.
On the job hunt issue, anyone want to give me a job?
Anyways I've decided I want to be a pastry chef, and thanks to discombobulate I now know which courses are available to me but I have to do an apprenticeship at the same time.
I know where I would love to do my apprenticeship, but I'm so scared to approach them incase they tell me they don't want to offer an apprenticeship (they are a family owned and run company).
Im such a chicken. I cant handle rejection. Plus they are so awesome, they make the most awesome wedding and novelty cakes I've ever seen in my life. So if they say there not interested I really don't know anywhere else I'd be interested in doing it.
Anyway I'm starting to get my courage together to approach them but then Im not really sure of how to go about it.
Should I just turn up at their shop and ask them out right or should I email them/write a letter and let them know my intentions and offer to meet them if they are interested in going further with it.
Shit I don't know...
Any advice?
Thank you for the comment on my journal!!!!!!!!!
I got married at 23 (25 now) and have no intention whatsoever of having kids. I'm set in my ways and get easily grossed out and my kitties wouldn't take well to a screaming baby or tail pulling toddler and I want my kitties to be happy forever.
Kids are for other people. I like staying up late playing vidoe games and drinking wine coolers.