Last night just after eleven I was mopping the floor and next thing I hear a loud cracking sound outside and the electricity blacked out. So husby and I went out to the street to have a look at what was going on.
The whole neighborhood was pitch black, anyway one of the electricity poles was on fire! And the one next to our house was making cracking and buzzing sounds.
So I rang 000 and they sent out a fire engine/truck. It was all pretty exciting.
So when they finally arrived this old man came running out of his house in his jim jams, all hot and sweaty, having a heart attack (not a real one but you know what I mean). They just don't handle a bit of excitement very well do they.
Anyway the firemen took care of everything, and oh my, were the firemen ever so hot in their uniforms, yumo
They told us Energex would come out soon and try and get the electricity going again but that it could be a couple of hours.
So I found some candles and seen as I had nothing else to do I did the washing up by candle light, how romantic, not!
I had never been in a blackout in my life so I found the whole situation very exciting, Im like a small child experiencing something new for the first time.
So its my birthday tomorrow, Im really looking forward to it cause dad's flying up tonight, I still can't believe his flying up just so he can spend my birthday with me, he's so sweet!
I haven't seen him since December so it should be a great weekend.
We were planning on going to Draculas, the boy rang up yesterday to book but they are all booked out, wtf, I had no idea that they were so popular, and we thought that seen as it's not the holiday season that we would have no problem getting in, grrr.
Now I have no idea where we should go for dinner, I think I'm going to have to get the yellow pages out and try and find something, thats the problem with being new to an area, you don't know where all the good restaurants are.
Anyway I'm sure it will still be a fantastic night.
My husband has just gone out shopping to get me a present, he was all excited, he said he had such a great idea, I love presents
Im not to excited at the prospect of being 23, I liked being 22 and well 23 seems so much closer to 25
Oh well getting older is inevitable I suppose....
The whole neighborhood was pitch black, anyway one of the electricity poles was on fire! And the one next to our house was making cracking and buzzing sounds.
So I rang 000 and they sent out a fire engine/truck. It was all pretty exciting.
So when they finally arrived this old man came running out of his house in his jim jams, all hot and sweaty, having a heart attack (not a real one but you know what I mean). They just don't handle a bit of excitement very well do they.
Anyway the firemen took care of everything, and oh my, were the firemen ever so hot in their uniforms, yumo

They told us Energex would come out soon and try and get the electricity going again but that it could be a couple of hours.
So I found some candles and seen as I had nothing else to do I did the washing up by candle light, how romantic, not!
I had never been in a blackout in my life so I found the whole situation very exciting, Im like a small child experiencing something new for the first time.
So its my birthday tomorrow, Im really looking forward to it cause dad's flying up tonight, I still can't believe his flying up just so he can spend my birthday with me, he's so sweet!
I haven't seen him since December so it should be a great weekend.
We were planning on going to Draculas, the boy rang up yesterday to book but they are all booked out, wtf, I had no idea that they were so popular, and we thought that seen as it's not the holiday season that we would have no problem getting in, grrr.
Now I have no idea where we should go for dinner, I think I'm going to have to get the yellow pages out and try and find something, thats the problem with being new to an area, you don't know where all the good restaurants are.
Anyway I'm sure it will still be a fantastic night.
My husband has just gone out shopping to get me a present, he was all excited, he said he had such a great idea, I love presents

Im not to excited at the prospect of being 23, I liked being 22 and well 23 seems so much closer to 25

Oh well getting older is inevitable I suppose....
Here's a brown... dancing... gremlin thing to make up for it.