FUCK ME!!!!!!!
So today I was supposed to start my job, the first day is training. So I set my alarm, get up early, get ready, have brekky and start of on the half hour drive in the sickly humidity that is the Gold Coast in my car that has no air con (the asshole thing needs a new air compressor, argg, don't get me started on that).
Anyways I get every single red light on the way, such bull shit, then when I get there there's not a single available car park anywhere to be found! So I end up driving around for a further ten mins until finally someone decides to leave, few finally.
So I rush on up the stairs, get to reception, get forwarded into the recruitment ladies office, now comes the fun part....
She tells me that the training has been CANCELLED!!!
Fuck me, why the hell hadn't they bothered to call me on my mobile, they had the number after all.
She saw the look of utter disbelief on my face and said "oh, did you have to catch a bus or something?"
Like I wasent angry enough at that point, but for her to not even apologise for the inconvenience that I had been put through!
So I told her that no I hadn't caught the bus but in fact taken a forty minute trip to get there.
"oh, you can slap me if you want to".
Damn straight I felt like slapping her down to the ground and not stopping at that.
So I composed myself and left after being told to come back tomorrow for training at the same time.
I should have told her to stick her damn training up her ass! But been polite and nice as I am I say, oh ok tomorrow then.
I get in my car and I can't believe it, I burst into tears, what the hell is wrong with me. I don't even know why im crying but it feels good anyway.
Im not used to being treated like this, I gave up a high ranking, highly paid position with Centrelink as a funds manager and for what, to get up here and find my skills are not valued because ive been in the public service for the last four years and people assume my experience isn't translatable into private enterprise.
I don't even want to work in finance anymore, so ive been applying for nice, easy part time jobs. I keep been told that im over qualified to do the jobs im applying for.
Bullshit! Fuck I used to do reception five years ago before entering the public service.
So now im seriously considering taking the last four years off my resume but the only problem is that my referees are from my last position within Centrelink.
Meanwhile my savings are seriously starting to deplete, there goes my house deposit.
Guess its time to start looking for a new job again.
So today I was supposed to start my job, the first day is training. So I set my alarm, get up early, get ready, have brekky and start of on the half hour drive in the sickly humidity that is the Gold Coast in my car that has no air con (the asshole thing needs a new air compressor, argg, don't get me started on that).
Anyways I get every single red light on the way, such bull shit, then when I get there there's not a single available car park anywhere to be found! So I end up driving around for a further ten mins until finally someone decides to leave, few finally.
So I rush on up the stairs, get to reception, get forwarded into the recruitment ladies office, now comes the fun part....
She tells me that the training has been CANCELLED!!!
Fuck me, why the hell hadn't they bothered to call me on my mobile, they had the number after all.
She saw the look of utter disbelief on my face and said "oh, did you have to catch a bus or something?"
Like I wasent angry enough at that point, but for her to not even apologise for the inconvenience that I had been put through!
So I told her that no I hadn't caught the bus but in fact taken a forty minute trip to get there.
"oh, you can slap me if you want to".
Damn straight I felt like slapping her down to the ground and not stopping at that.
So I composed myself and left after being told to come back tomorrow for training at the same time.
I should have told her to stick her damn training up her ass! But been polite and nice as I am I say, oh ok tomorrow then.
I get in my car and I can't believe it, I burst into tears, what the hell is wrong with me. I don't even know why im crying but it feels good anyway.
Im not used to being treated like this, I gave up a high ranking, highly paid position with Centrelink as a funds manager and for what, to get up here and find my skills are not valued because ive been in the public service for the last four years and people assume my experience isn't translatable into private enterprise.
I don't even want to work in finance anymore, so ive been applying for nice, easy part time jobs. I keep been told that im over qualified to do the jobs im applying for.
Bullshit! Fuck I used to do reception five years ago before entering the public service.
So now im seriously considering taking the last four years off my resume but the only problem is that my referees are from my last position within Centrelink.
Meanwhile my savings are seriously starting to deplete, there goes my house deposit.
Guess its time to start looking for a new job again.

Ahh that was mean. Dont' worry, I'm sure you got more funds than me.. I have $17.34 in my saving account, owe $2730 on my credit card, and am only getting paid $230 a fortnight. Yes, times are tough.
Last week, as part of my awful week, I had to go to the rib doctor for a checkout. That is in Chermside. I'm doing my research work at the Prince Alexandra hospital in Woolangabba. So in order to make my 1:30 appointment, I have to catch a bus at 12 to the city. Get there at 12:20 Wait 20 minutes, then catch a bus to chermside shopping centre get there at 1:10. Then wait 10 minutes for the bus to the hospital. I went to the translink site and had it timed perfectly. Then the first bus doesn't show up. It comes up on the little billboard. Then it just disappears.
So I catch the next bus to the city. Miss the connecting bus. Catch the next Chermside bus. And it's now 1:45. So I call the doctor and tell them I'm running late, and they say it's alright. Get to the chermside shopping centre. and the next bus to the hospital is in an hour. So I bit the goddamn bullet and catch a cab. $18.00 later I'm at the hospital.
I go to the waiting room. Wait 25 minutes. Go and see the Doctor. 'How is everything? Are you getting much pain".. "A bit in the morning, but nothing too dramatic".... "Yeah, you seem to be doing alright! Are you back at work"... "Yeah I'm at the PA hospital".... "Oh you should have told me, I'm there on Thursdays, would have saved you the trip'....
I felt like I was gonna scream!!
So after all that screwing around not only do I see the doc for less than 5 minutes, I didn't even have to make the trip...
Then of course I have to go back to the PA. Luckily I catch a bus straight from the hospital to the city. Then I catch the train to the hospital, but it's after 3 and all the schoolkids are on the bus and you know how shit that is!!
So I get back to the hospital and have heaps of work to get done because I took the afternoon off and don't wanna fall behind schedule. So at about 9:30pm I'm done and walk to the train station.... And I just miss the train. By literally 10 seconds. So I have to wait half an hour for the next one.. And lo and behold! It is 8 minutes late.
When I get to the city I have to change trains to get home. And because of the 8 minute delay, I miss the train home and have to wait 25 minutes at central station. Then when I finally get to my station, I call up my flatmate to pick me up... And he's had a few beers and cant pick me up. So I have a half hour walk home...
See why I was complaining about last week?!!