aahhh Sunday... "sunday is my i don't have to run day" recovery day on the bike, bosses are not at work, doggies and i lay around in our pjs, and then Little Steven's Underground Garage is on the radio! I feel that radio in the next couple of years is going to be the next "real" punk rock outlet. after the demise of the Corporate music industry, from the whole downloading music thing, wouldn't it be great to turn on the radio and here a mix of music that was indy and experimental with a format that changed or revolved. or like the goth channel where all they played was Bauhaus and skinny puppy? sorta like colledge radio but without the pimply overly exitable teen who thinks every personal inside joke is going to be entertaining to the 100 people listening. sometimes i like it when other people choose the things that i listen to. i don't have many of my record snob friends around anymore so its hard to find new things. maybe SG should start a music reveiw type thing. maybe there is one and i don't now about it.... i'm not that bright.
on another note...... who hates it when a co-worker fucks something up and you cover for them!!!!! Now it becomes your worry. because you did something sorta shady to cover it up so the customer doesn't have an annurism right in front of you!!! Aaaggghhhhhh i love my job 99.1% of the time.
on another note...... who hates it when a co-worker fucks something up and you cover for them!!!!! Now it becomes your worry. because you did something sorta shady to cover it up so the customer doesn't have an annurism right in front of you!!! Aaaggghhhhhh i love my job 99.1% of the time.

Little Stevy Rocks!