Hello cats and kittens! These days have been COLD! As i'm sure anyone who lives east of california will know... i really thought that it wasn't gonna happen! it has really had an effect on me and many others. its time to hybernate people! get inside....make some hot chocolate...hot totties... tea.... whatever floats your boat. make the best of it and remember soon it will be hot as balls and you'll be begging for AC.
Anyhow.. went and saw the band Envy tonight. sold out show... they are from Japan and are a screamy type punk band. thats not really a good description. ohh well... they sounded like a mix between hose.got.cable. and godspeedyoublackemporor....maybe thats better? anyway... all that i could think about during the show was "Whats original anymore?" what makes us different. where has originality gone? is it possible to be genuinely original anymore? hasn't it all been done before? I feel the only way to do it nowadays is to NOT try and look just like everyone else. just be. and be conent with that. just a thought....
and indie scene my ass. how are you "indie" if you are all wearing the same hats? same pins? Same hoodie. and what was even scarier is that i still look the same....for the most part. weird...i feel like i have been wearing the same fucking jeans for the last millenia. and the band that was playing sounded just like the bands i listened to 10 fucking years ago in a basement in Jersey. I think that i was just having a moment. like fuck.... i'm getting old! I'm that guy! that old ass dude hanging inthe corner staring at all the punk rock chipies.
but as i was walking home i realized that i still am (for the most part) that same person! and thats OK! fuck. i still love music. still love the energy of a really good rock show. who cares if i look like im 50. your only as old as you feel and if you restrict that your dead. shit i still ride a bicycle everywhere i go!
I'm gonna stay young until i die!
i need to work on sticking to the subject.