The ancient Greeks have eros, storg, phila and agpe. All different words for different kinds of love. I do not know if the human form- flesh, mind and spirit -is capable of more than one at a time. The Greeks do not seem to say. But from experience, I think not.
Me, I am ruled always by dominance, never by democracy. One always seems to be at war with another. These loves ebb and flow within me constantly. One moment I am all eros, rightly pagan in my sensuality, complete submission to touch and taste and delight. The next, spread open for my gods, who are as often cruel as kind. And then back again to some platonic warm fuzzy for my fellow humans.
Which would I chose, if I could have only one? Ahh...can I not make love to my gods who are my close cousins?
And you? What would you chose if you could have only one? A lover's touch? A oneness with all humanity? An unbreakable connection with family? A god's benediction?
Me, I am ruled always by dominance, never by democracy. One always seems to be at war with another. These loves ebb and flow within me constantly. One moment I am all eros, rightly pagan in my sensuality, complete submission to touch and taste and delight. The next, spread open for my gods, who are as often cruel as kind. And then back again to some platonic warm fuzzy for my fellow humans.
Which would I chose, if I could have only one? Ahh...can I not make love to my gods who are my close cousins?
And you? What would you chose if you could have only one? A lover's touch? A oneness with all humanity? An unbreakable connection with family? A god's benediction?
that is a difficult one. but i think i would have to say a oneness with all humanity because it seems that would encompass all of the other choices.
oh...except a god's benediction, unless you believe that god is/was man.