There's not too many a day that goes by, when I don't find something beautiful in the world accompanied by it's own tragedy. I find that life can be pretty painful for a person such as myself, because we try so hard to show the oblivious that there flaws and imperfections are completely superficial. It bothers me to see people in pain, because I want to help everyone and everything, and to know that I can't makes me feel useless. Last night I felt uplifted, because a friend of mine was too drunk to drive home from a party, so I drove her truck home and walked back to my car from her place. Now I don't like to talk myself up, but maybe it's pride that made that long walk back to the party all worth the effort. Just to know that, you know, there are still good people out there in the world looking out for you when you least expect it and most deserve it.
More Blogs
Friday Jan 23, 2009
Ok, so I finally managed to get my computer and the internet hooked u… -
Tuesday Nov 18, 2008
So I'm getting kind of excited about going home for a while. Haven't … -
Tuesday Nov 11, 2008
Alright... Its been a while, but I'm still here in San Antonio. I'm d… -
Saturday Aug 16, 2008
So I found out that I'm going to Korea in December. I'll be there for… -
Sunday May 18, 2008
There's not too many a day that goes by, when I don't find something … -
Thursday May 08, 2008
So, lately I've been feeling really anxious. I have this test coming… -
Sunday May 04, 2008
So I'm a year older... I feel not much has changed since last year. M… -
Tuesday Apr 15, 2008
Ok, so I'm in one of those moods where I could really care less about… -
Sunday Mar 23, 2008
Ah, I'm so excited. I finally get to go home to Tennessee at the end … -
Thursday Mar 13, 2008
So I'm finally going home... It seems like it's been forever. I dunno…