Last week I had the luck of meeting a baby hummingbird.
at first I thought it was injured but then I noticed that she was learning how to fly.
I picked her up from the sidewalk in front of my house and took her in to feed her as I did some research.
it was a little nerve wrecking not knowing where her nest was, I didn't want her to get hunt by a cat (there are a few around the area where I found her.
I took her in for the night and watched her practice, it was beyond adorable and she would attempt or fly to close places and then um the bed or on my chest or shoulder.
After trying to call the local wildlife protection and not getting any response I had decided to take care of her myself if necessary (these particular birds are need a specific nutrition caring and constantly being fed).
On hopes that her mother would come get her we chilled in my backyard for about an hour and I hung a feeder over her.
Eventually her mom did come and recognized her, gave her a little cuddle and fed her.
Yhen she started practicing her flying up the tree.
It was a special thing to see and experience. Though I've always thought hummingbirds are incredibly beautiful, I never thought they'd be as aware as I experienced.
@penny @missy