I had such a fun holiday
The best way to start the year is by traveling, even if it’s something small, you do on New Year’s Eve what you’d like to have more of during the year.
For me it’s traveling, embracing every opportunity the year might carry with it, love and live to the fullest extent.
To be more kind and loving to others and myself.
New Years resolutions are made while drinking a glass with champagne and eating 12grapes, one for every month of the new year.
After that we hug to welcome the New Years and party hard.
This year some friends and I went to Veracruz for a few days, Dec 31 there was a big event with live salsa and we danced and had some dinner.
It isn’t the most beautiful beach, but it definitely brought me into a state of gratefulness and really start appreciating the little moments 💖
I hope your holidays were amazing too!