Why is it that as little girls we grow up wanting that fairy tale life? Wanting prince charming to come sweep us off our feet and we live happily ever after. And further more why is reality nothing close to it. We can conjure up these wonderful fantasies in movies and in our own imaginations but reality tends to leave a bitterness in the mouth.
I bring this up only because today I watched Ever After a movie that both my mother and myself love. And it made me think about some of the other movies I love mostly because it encourages this fantasy. Here are some of the movies that had come to mind: Sixteen Candles, Pretty Woman, Say Anything, Adventures in Babysitting. I am completely disgusted that we encourage our daughters to want to live out this fantasy only to be hurt by reality, I am also disgusted at myself for being a victim of this shallow idea.
I read a book about love and how its a choice and the first chapter basically said that when you fall in love you are blind to the other persons faults even when your friends and family may see them and address them, you wont listen nor can you see them those chemicals floating around in your body and causing that "in love" feeling is preventing you from seeing the other person as what they really are faults and all. Then after a year of two that feeling goes away and if you were stupid enough to marry the person now your stuck with them its like your body tricks you into liking someone that other wise you might not. And now you have to choose to love them and work on it everyday. I don't know about you but that is complete bull shit. I have to work on loving someone who I don't even like who came up with that crazy idea. If that is the case then I choose not to fall in love. I choose not to indulge myself in this idea of a prince charming.
Okay so I may have gone a little over board but I think I make somewhat of a valid point. Thanks for listening.
I bring this up only because today I watched Ever After a movie that both my mother and myself love. And it made me think about some of the other movies I love mostly because it encourages this fantasy. Here are some of the movies that had come to mind: Sixteen Candles, Pretty Woman, Say Anything, Adventures in Babysitting. I am completely disgusted that we encourage our daughters to want to live out this fantasy only to be hurt by reality, I am also disgusted at myself for being a victim of this shallow idea.
I read a book about love and how its a choice and the first chapter basically said that when you fall in love you are blind to the other persons faults even when your friends and family may see them and address them, you wont listen nor can you see them those chemicals floating around in your body and causing that "in love" feeling is preventing you from seeing the other person as what they really are faults and all. Then after a year of two that feeling goes away and if you were stupid enough to marry the person now your stuck with them its like your body tricks you into liking someone that other wise you might not. And now you have to choose to love them and work on it everyday. I don't know about you but that is complete bull shit. I have to work on loving someone who I don't even like who came up with that crazy idea. If that is the case then I choose not to fall in love. I choose not to indulge myself in this idea of a prince charming.
Okay so I may have gone a little over board but I think I make somewhat of a valid point. Thanks for listening.
Maybe the next guy will work out better. Not quite Prince Charming, but right for you.
i've known guys who were prince charmings to girls, and they were shit upon for it, taken forgranted, not appreciated. . . they ended up bitter. one of them ended up at the bottom of a lake.
however, i'm all for love, and romance and all that comes with it. pretty much at the expense of some pretty lonely years throught my teens and my twenties dreaming of 'miss right' and not getting involved with many i could have because there wasn't that sparkle, that gut-feeling. . .
behind the misanthropy is the cracked heart of a disillusioned romantic who's still waiting to be someone's prince charming.