Have you ever wish you could combine two people together so you can enjoy everything you like about both all in one. I know two guys who I wish I could do this too.
Guy one: cute, kick back, smart, artist, adventurous and exciting. we have a lot in common, lots of tattoos (love tattoos) but is about an inch shorter than me and has... Read More
So I have to share. I had the best night last night. I stayed up watching movies with a friend who is really sweet, a little on the young side but I try not to think about age. Well it was one of those times were there is that somewhat innocent flirting were your tickling each other and cuddling. I haven't had that in a... Read More
Don't you just hate when you feel stuck and not sure what direction to go, I feel as though my life has more purpose then that I am living but not sure what the next step is. Hmmm I guess only time will tell, and I must learn to be patient.
I got the keys to my store and we grand open on the 28th with no signs up in our builder due to the fire Marshall bitch who make us take them down to test them for the burn rate so my store likes have dressed. I am tired I have been working 10 to 14 hours a day and will be working 10 days... Read More
February, what a dreaded month. On Feb 8th, 11yrs ago I made one of the biggest mistakes of my life and am reminded of it every year. I hate Feb 14, for those of us distant to spend the rest of their lives alone this so call holiday is a slap in the face. I have to spend from now to about the 17 of... Read More
Hey mama, what could be so bad that is haunts you till now. I am sure you are more resilient than you think. I am not here to feed you some bullshit line, I am just saying that I am sure you can do it.
So I am pretty excited I bought my first digital camera. I have wanted to play around with photography I have a lot of great ideas I finally get to creat. So stay toon for some pictures to come this way.
It is absolutely beautifully dark and inviting. I LOVE IT. I swear I have seen this on DeviantArt. I'm working on adding more soon to my work. You should post this on the Photography Group.