This past weekend I took a mini vacation and went to Tennessee to visit my mom. It was pretty cool we went up to the smokey mountains and did some shopping and tried to stay out of the rain. I got to enjoy good BBQ and fried green tomatoes yum yum. We went to a Scottish Festival and also did the drag races ( I'm... Read More
Well every night I layout my clothes for work and this morning as I was putting on my pants that mother fucking cricket hoped right out of my pants and scared the crap out of me (not literally of course).
Today I had to watch as the police handcuff and escorted one of my employees out of my store today and It hurt my feelings.
He stole a digital camera and confess to it, usually when someone steals from me I get really heated about it but this time, I was crushed I couldn't believe he would do such a thing.
that sucks, but your company entrusted you to protect its interests and you did what you had to do. this person is responsible for the decisions he makes and you had to do what was right. I applaud you for keeping with your convictions even though it was hard to do.
So one of my best friends Erin is getting married and I get to be the maid of horror, and I am pretty excited even thought I hate marriage and what it can do to a person I am glad she found someone who really cares for her and puts up with her shit. Now the fun part I need to plan a bachelorette party,... Read More
I think I am ready for a change. Change in what I'm not sure but something needs to change I am tired of the way things are. I am turning black and white and I need a little color.
A little color in life is always good. I was feeling the same way last year at this time... I solved it by moving 2,500 miles away from home. Not suggesting you uproot and leave town... that isn't for everyone.
...but definitely find something to shake things up a bit. Be happy.