Feeling much better. Don't know what the deal was yesterday. It must have been one of those 24 hour bugs. But I'm glad it's gone! I thought for a bit that I had botulism (thanks to that tricky bastard WebMD).
The little leaves on the trees have burst forth recently. It makes me really happy. I was getting so sick of winter! And now comes the brief period of time that I can't complain about the weather in MN.
It's time to start the FINAL Adam countdown. I can't believe that our long distance ordeal is almost over. I can't wait to start our next adventure
Adam countdown: 29 days

The little leaves on the trees have burst forth recently. It makes me really happy. I was getting so sick of winter! And now comes the brief period of time that I can't complain about the weather in MN.
It's time to start the FINAL Adam countdown. I can't believe that our long distance ordeal is almost over. I can't wait to start our next adventure
Adam countdown: 29 days

Easter candy is evil. I think it's in the dictionary as such. I still haven't stopped munching jaw breakers and lollies yet. They're so good though - especially those peeps! Did you see the Halloween black cat peeps? hehe...
did i really just say that?
i'm reading zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance for my personality theory class right now, it's really good. the whole "zen and the art of (insert noun here)" never gets old.