I can't really say that Valentine's Day sucked, because it was just like any other day. I went to the gym, went to work, then talked to Adam and watched TV. So fun
Buuuuut, I came on here last night, and there were some people having sex on their webcam! What the FUCK? That is just completly unnecessary, even on Hallmark's day-o-love.
Adam sent me a stuffed elephant for a v-day present. That was pretty sweet. I know he can't afford much more right now because of another VERY present he's going to get me.
Time for more root beer.

Adam sent me a stuffed elephant for a v-day present. That was pretty sweet. I know he can't afford much more right now because of another VERY present he's going to get me.

Time for more root beer.
Yeha, i've always wanted a liqour cabinet, but i always drink it before I can build up a collection... send it to MEEE!
You know, if I lived closer, I'd go to the gym with you. That would rock, I hate working out alone.