Unfortunatly, sitting around all day and reading doesn't give me a hell of a lot to talk about here. I guess I could tell you that I'm reading a book called "The Moon and the Sun" about a sea monster captured by a Jesuit priest and brougt to the court of King Louis XIV of France. I believe he wants to eat it. Anyway, its good.
I hate Dr. Atkins. I really do. My family is on the Atkins diet, and I will have no part of it . So I have to sneak "real" food into the house. I shouldn't have to live this way!!!
I hate Dr. Atkins. I really do. My family is on the Atkins diet, and I will have no part of it . So I have to sneak "real" food into the house. I shouldn't have to live this way!!!
I am a hack writer by trade with some projects in the works... So there... Now you know...
I don't care, I'm fortunate enough to still possess a great metabolism, and a skinny ass-so I eat whatever I want, and get away with it.
And yes, my parents are onthe Atkins diet, so my meals that I have with them, just don't seem the same.