i went out with good gal penny for sushi yesteday after work. She's starting a 72 hour fast and she said she wanted to have the last supper with me. So i went and bought her a copy of my bible, the hitchiker's guide to the galaxy, which i wanted her to read years ago. It was a sort of birthday present, although the actual present is the camping trip we got planned coming up. The waitress at the sushi place looked so ancient she may have been a relic from the days of the pharoahs. Penny thought she was beautiful. I was astounded by her voice, which seemed to carry layers of wisdom that has been accumulated through the ages. She wasn't all that old, just ancient.
I think she must have been 50 or so, vey dark complexion - sun baked, almost brazilian.. I barely noticed anything oriental about her, but i did think she may have been an egyptian princess at some point, or even an egyptian priestess, probably gorgeous in her white robes with nothing underneath, muttering ineffable curses and casting magic spells on the tender souls of some of the toughest warriors mankind has ever produced. Feminist revolution aside, women throughout the ages have always found a way to keep their men at bay, most of the time controlling them with a mightier power than they would ever be capable of wielding today. at least as far as a united gender agenda is concerned. So this very short lady with her majestic voice of a crumbling empire silently and proudly carrying the burden of the ages took our orders of white sushi and yellow tail and crab and green tea and sake, and gracefully exited the stage.

I really don't have anyone to play around here with. I could play with my old lead guitarist but our styles of music are different. She: riot girl music, me: big influences- Fugazi. So with another guiartist is was fine, as a band, but who knows. I'll play with her but as far as another band, i don't think i'm metally ready for the drama. I loathe drama.