this be my second entry. not that i deleted the first, i just think the first one wouldn't have been all that it was made out to be, even though it never was (yet) so i went straight for the intestines of my bleeding patient. no muddling around the epidermis, peeling a layer here, a layer there, poking around a little bit - forget it. i'm a carnivore, we all are, to be honest, every last yoga-mat-bone-squeezing tofu-chewing wheatgrass-guzzling one of us. so maybe i'll write my first entry later, if i feel like it. if there's a missing a link or a detail or two - no worries, it's all there, just wasn't written yet. i'll get to it. so what makes a guy wake up one day and decide, against all sound advice and cautionary notes, frantic pleas and eviction notices 'today i'll sign up for SG'? well to be honest, i haven't a clue. possibly the day i'll figure that one out is the day i'll sign off and log out forever. one last time. in fact, this may be my very last entry. but it probably isn't. i'm not very good at figuring these things out, so i think you're stuck with me for a little bit longer. but at least we have a framework to work with, right? i like starting stuff from the end anyway. stream of consciousness? bring it on, but we're swimming up the panta rey here, hopefully i can catch a big tuna for lunch, my chances are way better than if i was swimming in the same direction. salmon seems to be out, but i was never one for that pink spineless slab of fishmeat anyway.
now this brings up thoughts of the movie i saw yesterday, eternal sunshine of the spotless mind, which is showing mad signs of climbing up to my top 10 list. it's seriously brilliant, and plays with time just the way i like. it rearranges events in time quite unlike mulholland drive, another genius movie. the difference, as i see it, is that mulholland drive - surprise surprise! has a solution!! at least one. if you take the pieces and place them just right you'll get the story down chronologically. ESOTSM, on the other hand, has no solution. it's like a painter giving up on a work and throwing the canvas away, just keeping the core idea and starting over. now THAT'S what we talk about when we talk about love. it will work no matter how you place the pieces, because the puzzle maker made the puzzle with a few pieces missing and the minute you see this - you're gold. you can do whatever you want with your cheesy love story ,
even carver will end up with 2 people stuck together and trying their best to understand why the fuck they put up with one another and they'll never know why they're doing it. but they'll do it. now if that's not a hopelessly hopeful first attepmt at a second entry then turn off the lights cause it's night on the sun. crackers all round.