recently i have been working myself to death at a shitty job at taco bell. i am the general manager so i make good money but i hate the job. it's not a hard job it just takes up too much of my time and the drive is crazy. I drive 60 miles one way to work at taco fucking bell. i want to save money to move but i don't know how. it always seems like some bullshit happens and my money has to go to that. it's dumb. i work at least 50 hours a week. this week i have to put in 75 with no days off. then next week i will work some open to closes so i can at least have one day off. i'm tired and i don't feel like it's worth it. i want to be with jennifer (InstantKarma) but I just don't know how to pick up and move. I worry about my bills and other dumb shit. She tells me (and other people do too) that i could find a job in a heartbeat in LA. I just don't know. Do I pack just my clothes and leave? Do I save the money to pay my bills for a month and pack just my clothes and leave? Do i save for a uhaul and pack all my stuff and leave? What do I do if I can't pay my bills while I am there? I need help with a plan. I don't have one and I feel like I'm spinning my wheels. I love her to death and I know I want to be with her. Seriously please help me. Please!!!

60 miles!! Ugh!!!! Picking up and leaving is scary. I have no advice on that one as I have never had the balls to do it.......
well taco bell??
save money to pay your bills and leave Im sure you will find a job hopefully a better one matbe you can get back into what you were doing before??
Go be with your love!