One advantage of being an unknown on here is that I get to use this platform to say what I want, usually without complaint. It’s satisfying, actually...
So, the child molesting judge backed by the KKKing of Deplorables....
Sucks for you, bruh. 😏
Thank you, Alabama—or should I say, thank you Alabamian Black voters—for not electing Dictator Cheetohface von Pussygrab’s unqualified, deplorable, racist, sexist, child molester Shitface McChillymo, or as his birth certificate calls him “Roy Moore.”
For the last month, I’ve heard the noise spew out of the hole in the Lover of Walls’ head on his continuous support for McChillymo. Takes one to know one, yes? The Minister of Hate is pending a rape on a 13-year-old, afterall, lest we’ve forgotten? I am just pleased that he wasn’t elected, plain and simple. The guy was kicked off the AL SC—twice!
Anyway, congratulations to Doug Jones. A man who has put KKK members in prison, he has my full trust and support. I hope he can help with as much as possible before Lord Orange brings us down to utter chaos.