After the deadliest attack to police officers since 9/11 along with the murders of Philando Castile and Alton Sterling, I don't think I've ever been more ashamed to be in this country. What I'm so furious about is how I can't be pro-BLM and pro-Law Enforcement. I have to be one or the other. It's bullshit.
BLM is to help recognize the black lives taken by senseless violence. It is NOT anti-police. People like Micah Johnson, the only suspect arrested from last night's murders, is making the BLM look like it wants to incite violence on those in Blue. No, we don't!
We also know that not all police officers are murderers and look for Blacks to kill. I have too many dear friends who are Blue whom I know and do their job with diligence and integrity.
We must have both sides unite and understand each other.