DOMA is dead!
Love will always win! Regardless!
Fuck you John Boehner!!!!! Fuck you local Christian chaplain in Kansas City trying to tell us that marriage is one man/one woman! Fuck you California Lawyer on CNN who said Prop 8 should still stand!!!!
Bigotry and hate still lives, so it's a bittersweet day for me. My gay and lesbian friends may now receive federal benefits.
Such a glorious day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Love will always win! Regardless!
Fuck you John Boehner!!!!! Fuck you local Christian chaplain in Kansas City trying to tell us that marriage is one man/one woman! Fuck you California Lawyer on CNN who said Prop 8 should still stand!!!!
Bigotry and hate still lives, so it's a bittersweet day for me. My gay and lesbian friends may now receive federal benefits.
Such a glorious day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

