Spent the week hanging out with my dad. My brother and I treated him to a Brazilian restaurant. Personally, I wasn't impressed: bread sucked, sides/veggies sucked (cold?! ew!), soup sucked, half of the meat sucked, and the dessert I had was decent......and they served my water with lemon in it! Without asking me! Major pet peeve of mine.
Any way, my brother paid for dinner as I paid for up close seat at the Royals game on July 5th.
My summer has been great! Schools out, days at the Ozark cabin, shooting off fireworks, and days out in the city, too! I have an offer to work part-time, which I'm considering.
Today was awesome! Had a mani/pedi, 90 minute deep tissue massage, facial, infra-red sauna, and ear candling! The ear candling I was skeptical about. I heard mixed reviews about how it works, etc. So I decided to try it out. It seemed to have worked, but I'm sure it was the placebo effect.

My summer has been great! Schools out, days at the Ozark cabin, shooting off fireworks, and days out in the city, too! I have an offer to work part-time, which I'm considering.
Today was awesome! Had a mani/pedi, 90 minute deep tissue massage, facial, infra-red sauna, and ear candling! The ear candling I was skeptical about. I heard mixed reviews about how it works, etc. So I decided to try it out. It seemed to have worked, but I'm sure it was the placebo effect.
Great to hear u are enjoying your summer!
Thank you..i know u understand and feel my pain..i appreciate your words..they comfort me!