Since I've seen many of my Facebook friends make their default pic one where they are with a significant other, I figured I'd join them
Well, finals are coming up! I only need to study for my college writing class and Film Appreciation class. My algebra and geology professors made it where all students who have a 90% don;t need to take the final, which is awesome! Even if I was acing College English, my cunt of a professor wouldn't do something that cool....because she's a cunt! So wish me luck!
oooh, look at my fridge magnets I bought at Reason Fest!

Well, finals are coming up! I only need to study for my college writing class and Film Appreciation class. My algebra and geology professors made it where all students who have a 90% don;t need to take the final, which is awesome! Even if I was acing College English, my cunt of a professor wouldn't do something that cool....because she's a cunt! So wish me luck!
oooh, look at my fridge magnets I bought at Reason Fest!

Nice couples pic. 

You know I guessed you were a lefty