With the election of the new Pope and hearing that he will not change any doctrine regarding social views and women's rights, it made me think....what if I were the Pope?
What would I be called? After one of my favorite poets of course.......Pope Tupac I
My first papal doctrine would be to change how the holy trinity is performed. I don't Jesus would like if he continually saw us making the sign of the devise he died on, I sure would......so lets make it fun!!!! My proposal? The introductory "dance" the Three Amigos do.....skip to 0:49 if you're confused
I think it would make going to church fun personally
My second degree would be to change The Lord's Prayer to Dawkin's Thoughts
Our Science, who art in laboratory, hollowed be thy results. Thy reason come, thy will be accepted, in our universe as it is for peace. Give us hope thy daily intelligence, and forget past religions, as we forgive those who have used religion against us. And lead us not into cult following, but deliver us from Fred Phelps
I also think my papal ring will be a large "VQ" on it......that is all for now
What would I be called? After one of my favorite poets of course.......Pope Tupac I
My first papal doctrine would be to change how the holy trinity is performed. I don't Jesus would like if he continually saw us making the sign of the devise he died on, I sure would......so lets make it fun!!!! My proposal? The introductory "dance" the Three Amigos do.....skip to 0:49 if you're confused
I think it would make going to church fun personally
My second degree would be to change The Lord's Prayer to Dawkin's Thoughts
Our Science, who art in laboratory, hollowed be thy results. Thy reason come, thy will be accepted, in our universe as it is for peace. Give us hope thy daily intelligence, and forget past religions, as we forgive those who have used religion against us. And lead us not into cult following, but deliver us from Fred Phelps
I also think my papal ring will be a large "VQ" on it......that is all for now

You'd get my vote! 

i agree