You know what one of my biggest sports pet peeves are?....When I hear this: "Well, I think WE can do it this year. WE just need to improve OUR defense....." etc.....Who the fuck is WE? How did you contribute to the team? "I'm a part of the fan base that's how I contribute." Oh sure, I bet when Argo won the Academy Award for best picture and you saw the movie; are you going to say, "We won the Academy Award!" to that? I bet not. Unless you are paid by the principal owner of that franchise or a part of the city of Green Bay, Wisconsin, being a fan of the team doesn't make you a part of the team.
I probably won't get any responses about that so is good, flooded with a bunch of homework thanks to the 16+ inches of snow we have received here in Missouri.......le sigh, I really need to get more herbal tea and start running again. I really want a companion to come home to as well!!!!.....I am one who nevers ask anything from anyone, but am I asking for to much than just some TLC ?
I probably won't get any responses about that so is good, flooded with a bunch of homework thanks to the 16+ inches of snow we have received here in Missouri.......le sigh, I really need to get more herbal tea and start running again. I really want a companion to come home to as well!!!!.....I am one who nevers ask anything from anyone, but am I asking for to much than just some TLC ?

I get what you mean on the sports peeve since its only 'we' if the person saying it contributed and I get the movie comparison too..Sorry to hear about the homework and hope you get your tea and get to go running and I'm sure you will find a companion too xxx
What kind of running do you do? just for fun/ to keep in shape, or do you do races?