HAPPY TURKEY DAY!!!!!!! My turkey came out very good I was so happy My friend said that he couldn't tell that this was my first time cooking one.
So I have a useless fact for you some may find interesting the average person comsumes about 5,000 calories on Thanksgiving. Thats a lot I only eat 1400 a day so to eat 5,000 thats crazy. On...
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I'm not sure about your meal, but mine was fantastic. I was disappointed in that we had a rib roast instead of a turkey. It was, however, done to perfection. Then there was all the usual trimmings and a nice chocolate pie for dessert. I hope yours was as enjoyable as mine.
I am cooking a turkey...... I have never done this before I hope it doesnt task like poo.
what time do we eat?
Well my friend said he was sorry today and so were friends again. He said that he didnt know how to act or feel because this was the first time I turned him down. Which is very true I all ways say yes to him so I can understand I threw him for a loop when I said no.

I am completely alone. My best friend the one I do everything with spend the most time with has ended our friendship. Why you may ask well its because he is selfish and I have never minded it, that's the way he is and I put up with it because he is my friend. So this is what happened Sun he txts me asking me...
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He sounds kind of queenish (a new word), so I bet he will be back soon enough.
Finding your avenue to fame and fortune is always a good thing. smile
Well I'm back from my trip and I am sorry for those that live in Vagina but I hate that state I have never experienced so much poor customer service it was crazy every restaurant, store the employees were either rude or just plan incompetent. I missed California so much and am very glad to be back. But on the flip side I did get...
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Welcome back. biggrin
Sorry about the ipod. frown
Hello all... this will be my last blog for about two weeks I hop on a plain tomorrow morning to go to VA for work so I am going to make this blog count I hope you are ready.

I am a proud owner of the Puscifer CD V is for Vagina this album kicks ass. I am not one to put things eloquently so...
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well i hope you are having fun pretty lady
i still haven't picked that cd up but the way you keep talking about it i'm going to have to i think
hit me up when you get back
Now I see why you recommended that cd
Welcome to the SGIE group. I just noticed that you just got in. smile
Today I went to the movies I watched Saw IV, I thought it was good I cant get over the acting it is so under developed. And I would say this one was the most bloody compared to the other Saw movies. My friend said he didn't want to say he liked it because then he is sick. I told him I guess I am...
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I can't wait to see Saw 4
I love slasher movies myself
Freddy Krueger is the greatest cinematic villian ever!
Freddie was fun back in the day! eeek
Hello all you lucky people you, Can anyone guess what famous cartoon lady said that? Well today is going famously I met with my adviser for school to change my major and it went very well I don't have to many hoops to jump threw. I was a fashion design major but I feel that going into that field boxes in my creativity so I...
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have a super sexy birthday pretty lady
happy birthday!

see, to this day when i hear the word 'toga' i just think of the movie 'animal house'. . . showing my age, i know *shrug*

yeah, halloween is something i have basically no experience with, and so constantly end up being over-modest in terms of what costume i pick, but my friend sarah kind of. . won't take modesty for an answer this year, and that's probably good. i'm too much in my own shell - work, eat, sleep - i need to be a wee bit more sociable smile

christmas seems to be advertised earlier and earlier every year - it's like they WANT people to start spending money in september *shakes head* madness.

anyway, hope you have a good birthday, whatever you're getting up to. . .

oh, and by the way, your linear paintings absolutely rock, they're so distinctive looking. do more! biggrin

Still no sleep for me I think I am up to 3 weeks going on 4. I am glad I am finding things to do in my sleeplessness I have started to knitt a scarf I have been painting, laundry so I guess thats good right.

thank you. i hope you're somehow able to get a normal full night's sleep sooner rather than later. though painting, laundry and scaf-knitting have their merits wink

Well, Halloween Haunt was so cool!! I kept flirting with the monsters in the mazes and I got a few to be my escorts. I think I might have a scary mask fetish...lol. Anyway it was fun, and I didn't get depressed by my BFF making kissy kissy with her boyfriend so that was even better. I still cant sleep I have come to the...
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I can totally understand where you are coming (but not cumming) from.
I will be happy to lend you a hand (or somethigns else) wink kiss